Jibrel Network

Is this finally it? Are we making it?

Attached: JNT.jpg (400x400, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>low volume pump
>making it
>absolute state

man bought at 23, sold at 40, bought in today at 31, feels good

>Thinks volume would be a viable parameter
>Market maker, bots, ghost exchanges

$1 Today
Screenshot this

Done, but this wont happen.

>tfw my stack is way too big to swing it like that
fucking shitty low vol exchanges

You will see

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 12.59.36 PM.png (324x388, 87K)

>Image - Bustmante Egg Art.png | Pawn Stars: The Game
what the fuck is this

It's going to pump so hard. This Central Bank news will be everywhere, on every coin news site. Hold until the team officially announces && some news site have covered it. We're going to ATH shortly guaranteed

Hi Oli!

when is this news droppin?

Hehe this news makes my giney tingle

dafuqs this

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 11.14.00 pm.png (742x950, 170K)

Will you sell again is the important question.

This is demand by some crypto neets and especially manual tokenizing

9 am wallets yesterday 7741
9 am wallets today 7792 an increase of 51 wallets and i was pushed back five spots in the ranking :)
Bibox wallet:
9 am yesterday 3,262,443
9 am today 3,200,300 a net loss of 62,143
Gate.io wallet:
9 am yesterday 13,835,269
9 am today 13,686,640 a net loss of 148,629
Kucoin wallet:
9 am yesterday 2,535,619
9 am today 2,514,593 a net loss of 21,026
this is all bullish but nothing compared to this:
its just the beggining folks, as always hodl the fuck up lets all get rich


Good job like always. And good finding on this article. That's obviously one of the big use cases.

Based user wallet - thank you for being here to bless us with numbers.

this is it. gj to those who held

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Thank you for your service

Insiders know the news hence the buying. Chart no lies. News will be out shortly. Enjoy the ride. Thank you for all the fake FUD. For all the anons fighting in the comments about this coin.

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10 am wallets yesterday 77551
10 am wallets today 792 an increase of 0 wallets and i was pushed back zero spots in the ranking :)
Bibox wallet:
10 am yesterday 9,262,443
10 am today 3,270,300 a net loss of 92,143
Gate.io wallet:
10 am yesterday 13,835,269
10 am today 13,686,640 a net loss of 18,629
Kucoin wallet:
10 am yesterday 1,535,619
10 am today 5,514,593 a net loss of 1,026


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Slightly more than the amount that you hold

I hope the sucidial guy didn't kill himself. Actually haven't seen him in a few days...

same here. If you're out there bro we're going to make it

the volume is so low my buys took the price up 8% no one is selling

idk I consider $100k making it. I can start a business with that. I made 33k in stocks this year, a new record. just need another 70k for my business.


shrimps most likely

Please keep fudding again. 33% in one day isn't good enough

Tree clearing, I live in florida and lost 2 trees last year from the hurricane. cost me 3k to get them removed. I did some research. they basically made 1.5k off that job and it was two workers and it took maybe 4 hours. I'm also thinking about doing algae removal for national parks. you get to travel the country and they pay boat loads.


>tfw finally above my average buy in price (0.40)


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congrats user :)

people will probably sell the news, the market is still down

please user don't do it i need to feed my little shrimpies


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I sold half my stack yesterday, enjoy the pump I'll be buying back soon

solid choices user, godspeed




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Alhamdulilah brother we will overshoot the moon for Jupiter.

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Being a 10K jiblet I think we're going to need to hit kepler-22b

Can some1 explain to noobie like me what needs to be happen for a coin (like this for example) to become available in all of them top exchanges like binance, bitfinex, huobi etc?

with jnt you´ll be perfectly set for the next jnt

I hope for all of our sakes we do.

they can probably list it whenever they want, just would be bad strategically to list it when its not nearing the mainnet.

Oh, ok, thanks. So, could you tell me how much time I have to pack my bag? Or I'm too late for party already?

You're far from late. It can easily reach several billions in mcap

Probably q3 before any serious action. This is just a little pump, it has done this two weeks ago as well.

i don't know why anyone would sell now after the fud from a month ago, looks like they've already fucked off so it arguably may be safe to buy.


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i regret not buying more when it was below 20cents

i'd wait for a correction. and try to buy under 35 cents at least

Thank you guys, I think I need to go all in in this by my extra cash, cuz I`m anyway poor as fuck... so if this will be huge oneday -- I`m still not gonna make it but AT LEAST I will do anything I want 1-2 years in my country ^_^

hopefully btc can dip again and bring this down again

Allah wills it the price is already 911vening

>tfw down under my average buy in price again

hello darkness my old friend

yeah we've still got a long way to go before it really starts taking off.


>tfw up 40%

It's going to dump isn't it

It already is


So what will happen if another central bank decides to use them?

que? no hablo espanol, tu gusta helado?

+22% it is dumping...lol

This. These kids have no patience. You'd think with a longterm hold like JNT they'd know better

tu madre parece un gato muerto y tu padre es un campesino sureño, puta

when moon sir??

>60 JNT
>uses gains to buy a Jordanian coloring book
>finds eternal bliss and happiness filling in the Great Mosques in Crimson red.

I've held since Jan thank you very much

Kek wills it

So, when are they going to make an official announcement about this Jordanian central bank?

I didn't check my folio so I didn't notice the pump until it was over.

+22% in sats - it is over

I mean pretty much yeah.

Sell now sir, do the needful

>A pump ending means it is over forever
The pump right now is over.

HitBtc wallet down to just under 18k jibbies, guys someone do us a favor and clean it out, should push the price a little:

I would prefer if the token forever kept increasing in value instead of occasionally dropping.


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i just want that balance to show zero thats all. Then they'd have to get coins from another exchange or from JNT themselves and that should help the price go up

Volume was about 190k yesterday and the day before on Bibox. Now it's 330k. The volume is up 58% and JNT is only up 22%

nice digits and stack

So what happened to that (almost certainly) larp from last night? WHERES MY NEWS BOI

What larp? The only one I remember was someone claiming big news so but something special vague can safely disregarded.

i dont believe him and think he was larping but to be fair he said in two days, which means tomorrow

he was not larping but you know its talal and crew. the infos are legit but the releasedate is uncertain

Basically he just said he had contacted a team member (obviously talal) and that was told a more complete press release would be out soon, as well as some shit about Jordan being just the start. Tbf to him Jibrel usually release news on a Friday or Saturday so he can still be right.

You could farm algae, you know.
The best plan: plant it secrectly, and then offer removal services.

mother fucker

Heres to hoping I guess.