1. ur cunt

1. ur cunt
2. where do you think this picture was taken?

Attached: Screenshot_3.jpg (396x395, 47K)



Looks like an American car. Also BMX bikes aren't common in Europe.


Burkas are illegal in the Netherlands and France.
The license plate also doesn't have EU on it.

So if it is in the west, which is possible due to the alphabet, then its probably the UK.

Australia or Canada
In the USA the bikes would be chained to something

Looks like New York plates on the car

>Gmc suv
>those traffic lights
>bmx bikes
this is obviously an american city

it's america user , specifically new York city

The letters on the store read a bit like

Dept. Westmin

that's literally larry david crossing the street

Although the first letter reads more like an S. And Westmin misses ES.

It says "dept within"

Phone number on the sign has 718 area code which is NYC

Distinctive orange New York license plate

russia maybe

Kind of wish city life wasn't so expensive, the rental costs in and around desolate coastal suburbs are only climbing while jobs and opportunities continue to dry up.

Attached: screen-shot-2015-03-05-at-4-36-24-pm.png (1140x857, 1.56M)

Seems Sao Paulo


in UK cars drive on the left side of the road.

Car is on right, so it can't be UK/Aus/NZ.

obviously new yawk

Attached: nyplate.jpg (566x285, 56K)

Attached: 201402111541275cd.jpg (565x244, 14K)


looks like the avarege """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''european""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'' city in 2018

>wish for city life

t. cityboy

Attached: pang.jpg (480x640, 71K)