
Hello one and all it's the famed Manipulator of Mumbers!

The first two posts in this thread ARE

Attached: hmmmmmmmm.png (516x435, 265K)

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I don't think so

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face is looking puffy so I'll put an icepack on it

I am 5'6

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You're fucking terrible at this mate

t. 5'5* and black

Lived in Liverpool for 4 years and never saw Purple Aki

Feel a bit short changed

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is3.Jow Forums.org/wsg/1534198636414.webm

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A man writes because he is tormented, because he doubts. He needs to constantly prove to himself and the others that he’s worth something. And if I know for sure that I’m a genius? Why write then? What the hell for?

what style of haircut should i, an overweight ugly man, get?

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Lads apparently the Religion of Peace™ has struck London again

That short?

I'm getting the word "Nonce"

it even looks stupid on the model

you'd think by pure chance the number wizard would at least get it right once by now
it's more impressive how bad he is

Uber is the religion of peace?

I'm tall for my family
never had a chance

didn't ask for your life story now did I you midget maniac

Bring a food critic and ould the best job I can imagine right now

Any offers?


uncle sam has come a long way

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good one fuckhead

was born a tarquin at least

you can taste a bite of my food and say it's good IF you pay me £10 per taste

me on the left by the window


Black male dragged from car by armed police units after crashing his car into Parliament. This IS being treated as a terrorist incident. #Westminster

not sure i like the sound of that one

Was it a pleb filter?

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all cagers are terrorists #CycleLivesMatter

Tarkovsky is a pleb filter

leaving belgium today
didn't have waffles, ate a lot of hot chips though

fuck off

you mean chips
where you off to next

>hot chips
wacky bruce!

stupid idiot moron going to belgium and just filling up on chips

need to fuck a petite 16 year old

Just came to tell you about the smell

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aaaa my morning POO is a-coming

fuck on

someone post it

Gotta start somewhere hehe

Giz a bite lad

the chips were hot as opposed to normal chips
off to Paris for 3 days then London with the lads

Islam is the religion of justice not peace

Did you at least drink the beer

paris is a right dump, especially the northern bits
stay safe

belgians do hot chips with like mayonnaise and stuff, it's supposed to be alri

all they have is chips
no drank wine



counting to 10 lads

Beer is literally the best thing about Belgium


Hot chips and mayo is actually pretty good

stupid fucking twat

turt when are you in london? beers on me if your game mate

It's one of those things that if you tell a normoid you enjoy it they act like you're a pretentious twat.

prefer my chips to be frozen

Beer chocolate waffles hot chips

>paris is a right dump

I went and had a fantastic time. beautiful place

gotta hide your powers and talk about the last avangers


you mean getting run over and acid attacked, right?

only like beer in social situations in the hot hot Southern sun not by myself when it's raining

will u be spotting me beers too?

alri jean-pierre mate

What a pathetic bunch of attention whores

Normies don't even know who it is.

yeah possibly

>mfw a British person voted for the Tories near me

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Thais why you drink the darker beers when it’s raining

aussies do my nut in
hot chips? what a load of nonsense

Free beers w/ turtle? Count me in haha

beat it, frog
yh paris is rubbish m8 and really expensive

what's your favorite alcoholic beverage

was with a French girl and she kept calling my mullet a "moulay" the moron

Seen him at Wigan North Western once, what an absolute unit

I did for the first time in the 2017 election which made me feel VERY dirty, before that voted UKIP in each election


avengers infinity war is unironically a harder film to follow than most tarkovsky's

Listening to every beach boys album in order
The early ones are fucking wank

>Taxes for bombing brown people? Awesome!
>Taxes to buy tanks for the police? Awesome!
>Taxes to keep minorities locked up in for-profit penitentiaries? Awesome!
>Taxes to provide treatment for babies with cancer? EVIL!

Absolute STATE of yanks lads

Been to Paris twice and hated it both times

Absolute shitter of a city

pretty sure she said 'mullay'

solaris is good
stalker not so much

wine (drunk during church service)
don't imbibe the devil's juice otherwise

gf told me she loved me and I didn't recripocate, oops

Been to Paris twice and loved it both times.
Fantastic food and culture.

Been to London twice and hated it both times

Absolute frogger of a city

they are chips and they are hot, therefore they are hot chips
it's not a hard concept to grasp mate


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harder as in the action is all over the place and hard to follow visually or do you mean story wise. I haven't seen it

we pay a lot of tax for socialised healthcare which would be more widely available for babies if we didnt take so many immigrants

both lol

since when are chips served cold?

it's not succulent, tasty or kind

bought an ann demeulemeester mohair knit for 80 euros can't complain

think cold chips means crisps