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are you a genetic failure?

yes, I wish I was aborted

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Pretty sure normal, decent people don't post on this board.


yes, I am a chicANO

I wanna fap to those titties but I'm at a family reunion rn

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yes, and this make me superior to normies

this tits is fake tits though

Some part of them yes, but she became pregnant and they grew.

Do it

stop fapping!

Decent looking.
Above average intelligence
Have had gf's or girls interested since my early teens
Have an autistic/geeky side nobody knows, except my current gf knows about, which I exercise primarily on Jow Forums.
You tell me.

I'm a sperg so yes I should have been aborted also.

I've also got girls pregnant 4 times, but made them abort, so could have had 4 kids by now. Crazy to think about.

your time will come soon porky chad

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I am unable to reproduce therefore I am

I haven't had sex in 6 years so I am by definition a genetic failure unable to propagate my genes

at least you've had sex

Was just about to say that.

>chink eyes
>flat nose
>nigger lips
>fat face
i have not felt affection in a long time

Doesn't count. If you don't have sex in a period larger than 5 years you officially become a virgin again

What makes somebody a genetic failure?

>normies actually believe this
If you touched a vagina you're stained for ever.

>If you don't have sex in a period larger than 5 years you officially become a virgin again
Why hello fellow virgins!

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How many girls have you incels messaged/approached on dating sites or in real life over the past year? Guessing it's fucking 0.

How much effort have you put into your appearance. Are you in decent shape and dress with a bit of style?

If you aren't blessed with decent looks,
train in the gym for 1 year, that's all you need to look muscular by normie standards and dress with some fashion, and I FUCKING GUARANTEE, at least 1 girl will fuck you and become your gf if you approach and message enough of them.

>How many girls have you incels messaged/approached on dating sites or in real life over the past year? Guessing it's fucking 0.

none but I'm a narcisist fuck who only wants to be liked by people

>this much effort for a warm hole and a bit of approval

Your penis is not small man

Anything worthwhile in life requires effort.

>ah sheet, I wish I had a gf
>doing something for having a gf? fuck no
do you think normies pick gfs from gf tree or what? Woman is human being just like you. She wants bf thats attractive and doesnt want bf that isnt, just like you. Being beta and fapping in mommas basement all day isnt attractive

I really don't think it's worthwhile

What is your first message like on dating sites and how do you approach in real life?

I don't want a gf

>Someone saved you from getting hit by a car when you were 16.
Jeez thanks now I can live to be miserable at 30

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Normally say hello and ask them about something from their profiles. In real life I just ask them if they would like to do something (I only ask women I already know anyway).

That's because you've never done it.
Forming a sexual/emotional bond with a woman is one of the most enjoyable experiences in life as a man.

I'm not sure about that.
Intimacy, especially physical, disgusts me


Kek. Some of you are seriously messed up.

love somebody and being loved in return is essential human experience. You are only part man if youve never experienced it. Its very refreshing to enjoy your life and be happy for once, rather than being spiteful, angry and depressed over time. I tell you this as former incel who believed that life is only about suffering

I'm pretty much ok about that.
Not my biggest problem.

I'm really ugly

most indian women are taller than me

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Yeah, my siblings are all good looking while I'm ugly as hell.

I am too short, too fat, too ugly and too socially incompetent to ever get a girlfriend. I just pretend that I don't want one to everyone I know but inside it kills me.

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practice your social skills and eventually you will make it. make friends, socialize with them. you will get over time to the level when you will be able to get yourself a gf

I have plenty of friends. Every other aspect of my life is pretty normal. I just cannot do this. It is like part of me is broken.

Also I fail to see how socialising with friends will help with being short and ugly.

Just be yourselves, bros.

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You're like half a man if that

3 of those things can improved. Losing weight and replacing it some muscle is a good start.

Where do you think you are, Lachlan? On a website with teh funneh pics?

Possibly. But I have friends, and occupations.
I don't feel like I'm missing a half

If only it were so easy as saying it.

Yes. Just as soon as I finally get the NHS to fix one thing, another thing pops up a year later. On top of health problems (such as being partly deaf in one ear, and nerve damage that makes my skin overly sensitive to touch), I am 8cm shorter than the average male height and fugly. And that's not even mentioning my mental problems. I am a net negative on my family, the country and the human race.

I am actually disgusted by the amount of normalfags I see on this website. I don't understand why they don't just go and be normies on their normie sites?

Can’t grow proper facial hair, only a shitty neck beard

Nah I'm all right, im a talented musician, I make short films, I read a lot, I'm learning a language, and I'm at uni pursuing a linguistics degree, something I've wanted to do for a long time

She same age as me. Goofy. Cute. A legit mother i like to hug.


I think you are just envious of the fact that we don't run for those stinky pussies and we don't really care that some pathetic omnonmymous on an omnomnomnymous imageboard says that we are incels, virgins, insert_any_matriarchial_feministic_buzzword, you know.

Changing yourself only just to get a vagina is EXTREMELY pathetic. It's such an overpayment that you don't even understand, because your brain doesn't work anymore. You think with your dick now, not with your head.

Routine sucks also.

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Is is that easy m8.
You don't even need to leave your house or you can go out at night if you feel embarrassed/insecure.

I had sex once
but I have a micropenis so I'll never try again

Who is that on the image.
I need a name

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>I am actually disgusted by the amount of normalfags I see on this website. I don't understand why they don't just go and be normies on their normie sites?
Go to Jow Forums and r/braincells then.

You aren't changing yourself for vagina. Being attractive to the opposite sex improves your life in many ways. An incel like you will never know that feel.

Jow Forums is a normie board

>You aren't changing yourself for vagina.
That's what vaginaslaves actually believe. Actually
>Being attractive to the opposite sex improves your life in many ways.
How many? 1?
>An incel like you will never know that feel.
I'm not the one who spends shittons of monies just to look so freshy and trendy for incubators, manslave ;) But keep making excuses and blame me - the free person - in your daily routine life, normie trash.

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Jesus christ. What did Soy do to you, my kacap friend?

Are you that dumb fuck from yesterday who said that ''muh looks are the most important thing evar''?

You are a fucking incel, and a virgin fag. Get laid. And women are not incubators, you dumb fucktard.

>And women are not incubators, you dumb fucktard.

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Mate, you just sound extremely unhappy. A life predicated on conduction is exhausting and unfulfilling, it doesn't allow you to appreciate anything especially yourself. When you learn to love yourself you'll find you'll welcome the world around you. I wish you luck, Mr. Angry


Mentally yes but physically I think I have pretty good genes.

Reported, you faggot.

>she doesn't know about muh dynamic IPs
Yeah, keep fighting with """"posrearchie"""", incubator.

flag but born in burguer land

you are only a genetic failure if you are not capable of passing your genes on, faggot

And this only happens if you don't have a dick or is completely infertile. And 15 cm is more than enough to pass your genes on

If you're an ugly manlet the best youcan do is a fat used up whore. If I could get the sort of women you do I wouldn't mind putting in some work, but working my ass for years just to get some third rate pussy when chad can get better for free just feels like a ripoff. Everything in life is a tradeoff. I don't think the deal I'm getting is worth it.

That russian incel is the most pathetic person on this board, does nothing but make excuses. Guarantee he'll reply to tell you that nobody is happy or some bullshit.

>I want everything given to me on a golden plate with no effort
Just admit that's what you want, you entitled twat.

Ahahah yes of course


Wasted money on what?
Women spend more money on me than I spend on them.

>i can't read
Dumb caveman. If you have good genetics you don't have to put nearly as much effort into staying healthy, fit, making money and looking good as most of us do. You also have a much higher return on investment since much hotter girls will give you a chance for the same amount of effort. Most chads are naturally stronger than the average omega incel even when they don't put any conscious effort into it.

If you don't understand basic economics you're a lost cause.

If you're not into fatties, take her and make her lose weight. Make her completely loyal you. But you've probably got a 100 excuses on hand right now not to do that.

And I would have to put in an order of magnitude more work than you did to reach this state so shut the fuck up you twat.

You're like those preppy upper class kids who make it in business and attribute everything to hard work. Sure, you had to work, but you didn't have to put in nearly the same amount of effort as somebody from the gutter would.

I don't think getting a fat, ugly, nagging bitch is worth religiously working out for years, simple as. Anime porn is a much better return on investment.

Let's assume everything you said is true. So what? You're still better off doing that than you are not doing. Rich people make money easier than poor/average people and smarter people learn faster than less smart people. Should you then just quit all together? Pathetic defeatist mindset. What the fuck do you even live for?

Working out is fun, make it a hobby. But I can already see you defeat yourself mentally to keep yourself complacent and give yourself justifications to blame things outside of your control.

I like how that britoid says "will never know that feel.".

Oh yeah, I WILL never know that feeling when I was born with a good body shape, good looking face and wealthy parents. Not even talking about the birthplace. But yeah, ofc its all incel whinings and excuses, right? You need to work more and maybe ONE DAY you will get those crumbs from the rich man's table. It's that easy.

>You're still better off doing that than
No. All that shit costs money, which is in limited supply. If I put in time and money, I want something valuable out of it.
>What the fuck do you even live for?
Immediate gratification and fear of death, mostly.
>working out is fun, make it a hobby.
Let me guess, you've never been unfit at any time in your life. Going to the gym is a humiliating experience.

I wonder how you feel when you see an ugly self made man. The mental gymnastics must be olympic gold medalist level.

>an ugly self made man.
Because there's so many of those amirite? Besides, conscientiousness and drive are just as genetic as facial bone structure.

>Let me guess, you've never been unfit at any time in your life. Going to the gym is a humiliating experience.
I could barely bench 40-50kg and started off skinny fat. Train at home if it bothers you so much.

>What the fuck do you even live for?
You better tell us what do YOU live for? Counting how many vaginas have you fucked? Or going to Jow Forums or other imageboard and calling everyone who is not a vaginaslave an incel virgin just to feel better about yourself?

You will be RANGE IP banned, you fucktard. And women are not incubators, you fucktarded cretin.

You are absolutely warped. Not going to waste anymore time on you, you want to feel miserable and to pity yourself.

He is right, you dumb fucktard. Women are human beings, and you are an imbecile.

>I could barely bench 40-50kg and started off skinny fat.
And I couldn't bench 50 after months of training. You have no fucking clue what being unfit means.

When was the last time you got so sick you couldn't leave the bed for days? When was the last time broke a bone doing something trivial? You don't even realize when it's your genetics.

Nobody asked for your pity. In fact, we have asked you repeatedly to bugger the fuck off.

My father should've used protection.

You have to work on yourself to be fit, you lazy fuckwad. Its not about genetics.

Ahh so this must be Proxy of that Russian (?) incel, just like that French flag from previous thread.

So train more you whinny faggot.
I don't even consider myself fit now and I've been training for 3 years. Still look forward to training. The difference between us is mindset. You want everything given to you and feel resentful to those that had an easy life, I don't.