I am travelling with a girl friend

She found a date in Tinder immediately
She is now with him.

>> Alone in the hotel.
>> Trying to trade to make some money to feel good about myself.
>> Not feeling good about myself.

Anons what should I do?

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Just how cucked can you be?

If shes a friend of yours, stop being a bitch and go out and meet some people.

If you were going go try to hit on her, ditch here and go your own way.


You should follow her to make sure she's okay. She will appreciate you looking out for her safety and probably give you sex in return.


Kill the guy and wear his face. That works a treat

haha funny isnt it, dont get bitter bro. You have to succumb to being an asshole, harden your heart because its the only way. Women dont love only men can love, close your heart and become chad. Men are all comrades yet the chads understand how women work, women are like the wind and will change too and fro

I am not attracted to her. I thought it's okay for me to let her go. But now suddenly I am not feeling well.
Guess I have to get out of my confort zone and go meet some girls.

This. Men should look out for their girl friends. What if she gets raped by this tinder stranger? She would never forgive you, OP. Now, don't ruin the holidays and text her asking how she is and if she needs anything.

the idea of a girl friend is senseless from the start
most women are dull, so there's no point in being friends with them
what few interesting women exist are such a catch, why wouldn't you want to fuck them and make them yours?

Its fucking pathetic how easy women have it. That guy was probably fucking some other whore the previous night. I haven't matched with anyone in years on Tinder and those used up sluts always want something and its never sex.

Fuck you talking about? When I broke up with my GF I fucked 6 different girls from tinder in a 2 month span. I was being pretty selective too

mate mate mate
this is a good situation to be in
make this the turning point in your life, this is the absolute worst point where you woke up and started your chad journey.
I'm happy for you, only upwards from here

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Why would you ever travel with a girl unless it's your wife and kids going to disneyland?

You are right user. There are so many things I have to change. First I need to start working out

I hate how right you are.

abandon her

This, that's rude as shit to go off and fuck some other person while you are enjoying the time of another. The same applies if you weren't gay but was travelling with a gay dude and he did the same

Probably not rock bottom but I agree and like your post.

This, its a manners thing. Treat her like shit op. Not obviously but dont do anything for her and kind of challenge her to do thing na'mean. You sound young or inexperienced thats ok like others said. Your heart will harden and you will have many more experiences like this. Its up to you what to do. Also you could just look up a massage spa thing and have some asian lady jerk you off for $100

having a female friend is training for relationships on a utilitarian level but obviously that's not your situation op

your a full blown beta orbiter in denial

more butthurt beta advice

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>paying for a woman to fuck Chads in other cities
You should actually shotgun to the mouth and let her find the body. You've ascended beyond mere cuck.

>b-but I didn't want to sleep with her in the first place