Foreigners don't think in english

>foreigners don't think in english

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>anglos don't think

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I think in both Swedish and English. About 50/50

I actually do

spending the last 14 years reading english books, watching english movies and reading Jow Forums on the internet has fucked my swedish brain



I'm afroid I'm gonna ave to see your loicense to think, moit.

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I do
it's a real problem, my spanish is getting worse

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I think in English, only when I intend to say something to an English speaker or post in an American Dog-eat-dog hentai weebsite.

If you learn a second language later in life, is it still possible to start being able to think in that language? I'm 25 and learning German at the moment and wondering if it's possible for me

yes, but I'd assume you'd have to actively be speaking, writing and reading german far more than english


The same asMy andean brain thinks in english 60% of the time.


I think in Russian

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not my fault spanish is shit tier

My main language was english until i was 4 yo and then i switched to portuguese, so i can easily think in both languages. And spanish is basically shit version of portuguese so im honorary trilingual

fuck, it must be painful to be a monolingual brainlet during your whole lifetime

we do

t. oppressed russian minority

I only think in English when I'm aware of it, not subconsciously.

>My main language was english until i was 4 yo

>Everyone around me speaks Russian

I think in italian mostly of course, but when I stay on the internet for some time I start thinking in english since I only browse english-speaking sites

>tfw monoglot

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>spanish is basically shit version of portuguese
keep telling yourself that

>And spanish is basically shit version of portuguese
in reverse

t. born in the us and moved to brazil as a kid

The developing brain of a kid is phenomenal. People should teach 3 or more languages to their children

About 90% of communication in my life is in English so I think and dream in English.

i do think in english most of the time

>he thinks in words

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>born in the us and moved to brazil as a kid
Even bigger ?????
Why did you move to Brazil? Are your parents Brazilian?
You now think Anglo thoughts lads.

Cringe Chicano

>simpler grammar
>simpler vocabulary
>simpler pronunciation
>doesn't even have half of the vowels contained in portuguese even when comparing the original spanish to the creole brazilian portuguese
>can easily be understood by portuguese speakers but not the opposite

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Why would I?

Yes, im second generation born there

English is quite simplistic, either that or I lack the English comprehensibility it demands to use it like native English speakers do

>not thinking in ancient greek

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>do all thinking as-is, without a language

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It depends, if you want to speak decent English, you eventually starts to think in English too, while speaking it.
Maybe it's hard to imagine for monolinguas, but people think language they speak at the moment.

i actually think in English but count in Mandarin

I only think in pictures

same, although people here are not even remotely neraly as cucked by english like in sweden

Stop thinking

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I only think in Norwegian as I made it a personal goal to not let myself get affected by the en*Lish language

Only when writing and speaking.

raus illegal

too late, you already think in d*nish :^)

I only ever think in english actually

Holy shit cringe
You should honestly kys if you're not thinking in your native language, there's no excuse

I am a semi-neet with no social life so I use English way more than I use Italian. I have periods where I slowly begin to forget how to speak Italian. Of course I can't speak English well either because I have a thick accent and I'm an autist in general.

I do. I even rarely read local media and books

Re-read my post

Ha, you wish

>he thinks in words

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>he thinks

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Here too a 50/50, most Dutch literature and media is way too cancerous so I stepped over to English around my 14th and still stick to it.

that's unironically pretty cringe

what makes you think i don't?

Im forgetting Danish, I only think in English

>Thinking in a language
Lol fucking brainlets

how the fuck do you not think in a language/words? you dont have a voice in your head?

you think in abstract concepts

As soon as things go logic-oriented, the "speaking" stops.

Languages are made to make communication easier, being simple it's just better for it.

I only think in images

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I dont have an inner voice. I am a bad speaker and started speaking as a baby late, maybe thats the reason

>he uses a flawed medium such as language to formulate his thoughts
uhm, we're gonna have a problem here...


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No, I am capable of thinking using language but I choose not to, for it is inefficient. It is analogous to using training wheels on a bicycle.

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i never got this meme of thinking language

do people think in words?

excellent lads

Sometimes I do.

>tfw to smart too think in a human language

I do


no i have that too, but i can choose think without using it.

I think in American, not English. FOH

I can do both.

I don't really think in any language but I talk with myself a lot, so... It depends; normally it's just Portuguese, but I can start talking in English if I've been exposed to it for some time prior.

I used to be able to kind of think in French, but I haven't used that shit in so long I couldn't do it now.

I think 60% in English, the rest in Spanish.
I don't really like the Spanish language that much and tried to switch my thoughts to English only some months ago but I am so used to also think in Spanish that by the time I realized that I shouldn't have been thinking in Spanish I had already spent the last 3 or so minutes thinking in it it is something that requires a lot of conscious effort to do and you have to keep at it starting over and over again each time you think in Spanish. I have not given up I just postponed it until later.

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I do.

I think in English rather than my first language because English has more words to describe certain things than Kurdish does, it's an easier language to think in.

English really does have an excellent vocabulary. I think that's its most notable strength as a language.

>tfw white but think in Swedish/Hindi mix because I lived in India for a couple of years

Ek sau procent mleccha favä aur mujhe känns hemskt lagta hai

i spend basically all my time on the internet, so i often think in english and always dream in english. but whenever i'm talking to someone in real life or i know them in real life, i'll use norwegian. the only cure for me is to stop using the internet and be sociable

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>i spend basically all my time on the internet
How old are you and are you a NEET?


Just think using images