Why are Russian and other Slavic girls so sophisticated and cultured? Deeply connected with fine arts and literature...

Why are Russian and other Slavic girls so sophisticated and cultured? Deeply connected with fine arts and literature, kino photography and exquisite poetry?
Their cold and elegant looks and personality add to their mysticism, no other ethnicity can rival with their beauty either.

Slavic women are the pinnacle of elegance and intellectualism.

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Aбcтpaктныe Bинишки для Apгeнтины вceх copтoв

Attached: QLSK5UFpqi4.jpg (400x400, 62K)

>Slavic girls so sophisticated and cultured? Deeply connected with fine arts and literature, kino photography and exquisite poetry

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richer than you monkey

Art, Music, and Literature have always been a staple in Russian high culture up until the Soviet Union.
Now in the wake of this political experiment young Russian men and women are trying to revive the almost lost culture.
Good on them

idk but I've noticed this too with the Russian girls I've personally known
dated a girl from St Petersburg and we would talk about our favourite composers and literature all the time

Most intellectual women in the world.

Attached: 1533914247940.jpg (1080x1080, 207K)

SPb is not Russia.