Why are Russian and other Slavic girls so sophisticated and cultured? Deeply connected with fine arts and literature...

Why are Russian and other Slavic girls so sophisticated and cultured? Deeply connected with fine arts and literature, kino photography and exquisite poetry?
Their cold and elegant looks and personality add to their mysticism, no other ethnicity can rival with their beauty either.

Slavic women are the pinnacle of elegance and intellectualism.

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Aбcтpaктныe Bинишки для Apгeнтины вceх copтoв

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>Slavic girls so sophisticated and cultured? Deeply connected with fine arts and literature, kino photography and exquisite poetry

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richer than you monkey

Art, Music, and Literature have always been a staple in Russian high culture up until the Soviet Union.
Now in the wake of this political experiment young Russian men and women are trying to revive the almost lost culture.
Good on them

idk but I've noticed this too with the Russian girls I've personally known
dated a girl from St Petersburg and we would talk about our favourite composers and literature all the time

Most intellectual women in the world.

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SPb is not Russia.

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soviets puts tons of emphasis on "high culture" as well and pushed many young people towards the arts
meanwhile under capitalism the arts are a sideshow carnival at best

Ok, ok, Imma let you finish.. hahahauheuaheueha

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are you gook

no I'm white

now do GDP per capita chimp
and also crime rate. how many of you were killed last year? 60 000?

Soviet culture is culture of kolkhoz peasants and mutt proletarians. It isn't hard to notice if you had impact with bolshevik propaganda.
Basis knowledge of music and art doesn't make you sophisticated or smart.

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lol no slavic girls are cheap whores like like all the other girls, but worse
they will suck my western cock dry because i have money, the only thing they talk about is how big my cock is
btw im not a mad incel i am a normie chad who fucks slavic bitches on a daily basis

her knowledge was fairly in-depth and her degree was in literature

How do we get russian qt gfs?

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Why is it always niggers and chinks who praise slavshit women as if they we're some pot of gold or the pinnacle of beauty and intellectual sophistication.

more beauty than you chukhon'

because they are

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>literature degree

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that's why she worked in her aunts leather shoe shop in Vietnam lol

They're the only "white" women who give attention to non-whites.


>Slavic women are the pinnacle of elegance and intellectualism
ahahahaha my fucking sides are in orbit, you're a funny lad

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I don't know what you're on but it must be some good shit.
>sophisticated and cultured
>posts some bydlo slag smoking

my friend is a Russian dude who killed 15 chechens and lost a eye to a bullet

Are you nuts? Have you ever been to western Europe? Hundreds of interracial couples walking on the streets


Give him my best respect.

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Чyхoн. You know, like gooks, chinks, amerimutts, etc.
t. not him

Based and redpilled

It's weird because this is the shit I don't understand about niggers and chinks.
They want slav women as if their racemixed shitskin kids are going to look white when in reality all it does is create another nigger with brown eyes, curly hair and maybe slightly lighter skin ...

So? It's worse in Russia. In the West only ugly girls go with non-whites, in Russia the most attractive women only want non-whites.

bruh half whites in Asia all become like supermodels and actors, its like a ticket to the easy life

Western White women see ethnic minorities as fashion accessories if they date them at all (rarer than the Internet would have you think) rather than potential life partners.

Comes back to bite them in the arse after their 20s though because no white male westerner wants damaged goods

>most attractive women only want non-whites.

not really, but those who do only see them as a fucktoys, no one ever will have family with a nigger here

Is this a casualty of the Russian Ukraine war?

What will niggers and chinks do once thanks to them, all that's left is ugly people due to coalburners and whores breeding themselves into extinction? timescale:200years

He's schprot, chukhons are esonians.

Are these art hoe meme depression girls common in Russia?

Because art, music, movies and photo are only things that allows you to escape from Russian realities. We still have shittilions of art schools, music schools and galleries after ussr, and they are in use.

It's common in petrograd. Google this винишкo тян.

Art hoe is western thing, we have "vinishko tyan"

yea but they take it to the next level

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>я лaтыш

I follow a good portion of Russian girls on instagram amd id say yes theyre all like that for some reason

>нe гpaждaнин
Not even better, shprot-pidoraha

Wich means?

Truth is, Slavic women have an obsession with Tumblr and enjoy being degraded and humiliated during sex and Western men fall for it

"Girl that drink vine, somewhere in the saint petersburg, while thinking about classical poetics and listening post-modern-meta-ru-rap"

yeah but they get corrected

Can confirm.
I also saw an entire class of highschooler girls going to watch 50 shades of gray.

No, but i come here to fap from time to time.

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My second hypothesis seems to be true I see, my ex was like this and she cheated on me with a younger guy that could barely count 60kg in weight if it wasn't for his hair

Because Russian girls drink Jaguar. Is Jaguar being sold in the West? No! That's why in England and Holland, Germany and Denmark girls are a way uglier and dumber than in Russia. But let's think again: why does West Europe live a way better than Russia? Because you don't see (((athletic fiels))) in, for example, Germany after any apartment house, unlike Russia.

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Hy здopoвo, бpaтиш. Кaк в Швeции живётcя? Кeм paбoтaeшь?

Skinny arthoe and intellectually melancholic Russian women were meant for the assertive, traditional and dominant Balkanian man

>Balkanian man
Synonym of word "turk"?

You're surrounded by these you idiot, whenever I visited Zagreb I felt like I was in the midst of Vancouver, a deposit of metalheads and fluorescent-haired teenage girls


>in Zagreb
Nigga, fuck Zabreg. I'm pure 100% Dalmatian TURK

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>no one ever will have family with a nigger here

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He looks like bulgarian

slavs are subhumans

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>Slavic women are the pinnacle of elegance and intellectualism AND prostitution.

Fixed that for you.

She doesn't look Russian nor smart

this but unironically

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>tfw you will never have a russian gf like this

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Funny how middle nigga looks very russian


We can still dream about it every night, bro

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Didn't this couple appear on some Russian news channel recently? Those faces look similar.

Also Russian women love African men.

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ja u sredini

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i dont know, i take those pics here

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Ja desno

i see zero value in art
art is absolutely seven million percent useless
art is for people who fail at actual intellectual things (math, machines, jet engines, computer processors, etc) but still want to feel smart despite the fact that they cant into math

and they only get gratification from others exactly like them, which is why all their academic journals and things are just worthless circlejerks

u wot

>art serves no purpose

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You do know things like Art and Music go hand in hand with logical thinking such as Mathematics and Engineering? Right?
Most people throughout history that were great composers or artists that painted well known works were some of the smartest people alive in human history.

Mostly Ukrainians/Russians are like this, rarely see Czech/Slovak girl dress like that, we are getting too westernized.

> Art is for people who fail at ...
> Their academic journals

Put down the slivovits Vladomir

wish all spaniard girls looked like ana de armas

and how do you objectively and categorically value art? why am i not the greatest artist that ever was if i just threw my literal feces on a canvas? who said i am already not better artist than all artists combined in human history?

meanwhile if i design an engine with low fuel efficiency or with a bad cycle it will not go as fast as someone else's engine, making that guy measurably better at it than me, etc


t. Vladlena Abrankovich

Wish i could have a spanish qt to breed with

>Comes back to bite them in the arse after their 20s though because no white male westerner wants damaged goods
this, they basically form an untouchable caste

this one was raped and murdered by her bf who she was cucking and doing BDSM with other guys

Can we ban people who keep posting those r*ssian NOTLIKETHEOTHERGIRLS whores?

>up until the Soviet Union.
>Never listened to Prokofiev.


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