Can't stand Bitcoin maximalists

I was watching Doug Polk talk to Tone Vays

These niggers literally believe everything other than BTC is a scam. It's funny because these guys are always in BTC pre-2013. This nigger believes:

Blockchain has no use outside Bitcoin.

Smart contracts are not needed. No use for it because traditional paper contracts.

Only the Bitcoin blockchain will exist in the future

Bitcoin has scarcity. Other coins aren't scarce because they are altcoins.

Value of BTC comes from being most decentralized in terms of distribution and mining

Deluded or is he right?

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tone vays is literally the worst analyst in this space

deluded as fuck and banks and money transmitters are already in the process of killing pure currency cryptos. only privacy coins and platforms have a future.

Bro wasnt this broad posted on /b/ yesterday from a guy who said she raged cause he couldnt get an erection lmao?


Just ignore the useless faggot. He's poor for a reason

Nah it was on /biz in the escort thread. I'm the same guy that couldn't get it up

>Blockchain has no use outside Bitcoin.
A blockchain without a cryptocurrency is useless though. Because there is no incentive for miners, so no security. And then you might as well have a regular database.

The other stuff is sort of right but at least debatable.

you a brainlet

as of right now blokchain has ver limited use cases
1. payments but decentralized solutions cannot scale and the ones that can are less and less decentralized
2. dapps but I have yet to see a good useful fully finished dapp
3. smart contracts but unironically without something like chainlink it's useless and it still depends on eth scalability and whether CL will be successful itself

honestly monero for privacy, bitcoin for store of value and then some quick shitcoin for fast transactions, that's all there is right now

He's kinda right. There are maybe like 10 projects that are legit.

However, you have to remember he's not saying this logically he's thinking with the emotional part of his brain trying to reward himself for being early and therefore only having invested in Bitcoin.

Everyone says what benefits themselves the most.

>3. smart contracts but unironically without something like chainlink
Lol bydlo retard and soon on suicide watch

>smart contracts but without the thing that makes smart contracts possible

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smart contracts on ethereum network that could be used for real life deals, what is it so hard to understand here for your sub80 iq brain?

>smart contracts without offchain data

why are you so retarded? Somebody slapped your head too hard?

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Is "Tone Vays" even a real name? And have you seen the guy's haircut? I honestly can't tell if he's some kind of satirical meme or not.

Salty oldfags who missed out on buying eth for a dollar because a boomer on shitcointalk called it a "premine"

He's mostly right, but I do think there's some use for eth and monero.

you fucking retard learn to read, I said that smart contracts are as of right now pretty much useless exactly because they're lacking tamper proof offchain data

Uh no he didn't say 10 projects. He said only Bitcoin and there will only be Bitcoin blockchain in the future. Most people will actually agree with 10 projects being valuable.

Chainlink is the solution brainlet

that's what I'm saying you faggot, I have probably more LINK than you will ever see lmao

I forgot to add.. he said blockchain is solely for preventing censorship therefore all projects that don't need this will fail, including smart contracts. Regardless of whether he is right or wrong you would have clearly missed out on 2000x coming from ETH and ANS by applying his reasoning

>not one comment about sniffing her asshole

OG 2011 Bitcoin evangelist here.

Bitcoin is shit. Monero feels the closest to pre-hype Bitcoin.

Buy into the Monero community and you won't regret it.

Kek link to thread plz

Btc maximalists are even worse than the stinky linkies. They are disgusting kikes-controlled chauvinists.

> Smart contracts are not needed. No use for it because traditional paper contracts.
I don't agree and I believe the BTC blockchain will play an important role in verifying the trustlessness of some contracts. But I'm not against extreme caution to the responsibility we can put on them. When we're not, things like DAO happen and nobody likes that. With that said, if they like Lightning Network, what's that but a system of smart contracts built on top of the base BTC blockchain?

> Blockchain has no use outside Bitcoin.
> Only the Bitcoin blockchain will exist in the future
For me this is way too far. But then you also have the mirror opinion of it will not exist. I don't really know what the future is going to do, maybe at some point none exist, the chances are higher than 0%.

> Bitcoin has scarcity. Other coins aren't scarce because they are altcoins.
Again, too hard but closer to reality than what may make most cryptoinvestors comfortable. I don't think most people understand the inflation of their own cryptos or care about other important details about their economies. In regards to this, even if BTC maximalists don't get everything right I think they do way better than average, at least better than nocoiners and most pure altcoiners.

> Value of BTC comes from being most decentralized in terms of distribution and mining
At a fundamental level most of it comes from it being hard to be made IMO.

tl;dr Take whatever information you can get from anyone even if you don't like them, make your own decisions, gamble with optimism as much you want on anything you wish after triple checking because the best moment to take a gamble is when it's the most stupid thing to do and never be a bitch about what your decisions give you.

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