Still under 7m market cap and watch it when it goes over 20m by this weekend. Get this gem guys while it's cheap. Normies are about to rush in any minute. IDEX is around the corner.
And you have not done you research faggot, now gtfo or get some of this gem
Nathaniel Martinez
explain the purpose exactly then........
you see unlike you I have already made a 10x on this token, kek
Mason Lewis
it it makes things
Eli Jenkins
never 10x'd you filthy pajeet
Christopher Bennett
in addition, you appear to have done no research, as you would otherwise have understood that the market cap is actually double what CMC lists i.e. $14,000,000
Elijah Edwards
ermmmmmmm yes. it. did.
it was distributed FOR FREE
John Foster
lol dev team has offices in NYC, pays more rent than your whole fucking family ever had, worked for oldschool finance companies, already has the product which is competitive to one that was fucking developed by google and you motherfucker dare to speak like this? this is why fucking neety losers like you never make it, go masturbate to anime and stop posting on fucking biz you schmuck
also: print this post and hang it over your bed, read it everyday - maybe one day you will become fully conscious and will start using logic instead of opinions of shills, I shit on you
soon and then it will be pumped to next galaxy my friend
Ayden Sullivan
anyone who's spent more than a week on this board knows that this is a standard variant of the go-to shilling line
kill yourself
Hudson Jackson
anyone who's spent more than a week on this board knows that any shitcoin with a decent team like this at this price get's at least a few decent pumps
Dominic Nelson
anyone who's spent more than a week on this board knows that you two are morons and regrets that this coin was posted here so early because he can't shill attracting losers with money to pump it more