I am 1/4 Ukrainian, 1/4 Russian, 1/4 Mordvin, 1/8 Jewish, 1/8 Armenian

I am 1/4 Ukrainian, 1/4 Russian, 1/4 Mordvin, 1/8 Jewish, 1/8 Armenian.
What does it make me, Jow Forums???

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An /international/ man!

100% pure aryan ukrainian, put on that swastika t-shirt bro

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100% Russian
If you like Bandera, then 100% Ukrainian

Пpoдyкт дpyжбы нapoдoв.

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Add a bit black and irish blood and you'll be 100% american.

Get with the times gramps

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More with the times than you.

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Are you a communist/have communist sympathies?


>not jungle Chinese

el americano

>Muscle Monster
Holy shit, is this real?

A regular white dude in my country

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I actually don't know... just googled it... yes its real :(. The degeneracies that El Americano unleashes on this world never cease to amaze me

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Slava Ukrainey!

la creatura...
