Do you have back hair

Do you have back hair

Attached: 36DFB9F4-7F3F-4927-B775-FC02685DB795.jpg (480x305, 58K)

Yes. I wouldn't be a Bulgarian gorilla otherwise.


Only on torso, neck and shoulders.

where did you find that pic of me

yes, i am TURK


Thankfully not

Only arab and india subhumans have that.

I've thought about getting my back and the backs of my arms waxed, but I don't want people laughing at me if I go to a beauty salon for women to get it done. I need someone else to run clippers on the back of my neck every two weeks or I look like a werewolf. It sucks balls, desu.

But user, werewolves are hot


If your back looks like that you should literally kill yourself. Humans are no longer apes. We should be more civilized than that.

Yeah. I'm Greek hairy



How should i know? I cant see my back

I have no hair because I'm a trap.

I have upper back hair. Can't even wear T-shirts. It's a curse.

Just get rid of it dumb dumb


i have almost 0 body hair and im slim. i fucking hate genetics

That sounds great.

tfw no twink huezilian bf


A little

only on my lower back, besides that i only have some random hairs here and there on my upper back


Yes but thankfully nowhere near as bad as my chest.

real men with high test



I have no hair on my torso.
I do have shit tons of leg hair and facial hair though.

men are disgusting

im not a soyboy I’m just not wh*te


Wouldn't expect tp from tf