Would you join, and fight in, an EU Super army?

Would you join, and fight in, an EU Super army?

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If they’d be willing to have me, no way.

Context? Is this some scramble to murder the chinese or russians? Maybe, otherwise probably not


Only if it was fighting to exterminate all wh*teoids.

If I were not out of shape then yes I would.

Why would I risk my life? Let the stupid people do that.

No, fuck the continentals. God, Queen and country.

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Only because the world government reassigned me to it

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haha, what a surprising turn!
>Queen is German
what did he mean by this?

>>Queen is German
This tired old shit.

for an unpozzed europe against an external aggressor? maybe

for the political entity of the EU against literally anybody? never

for europe as a continent as it currently stands? not unless things improve


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no, but if anything I'd fight against it.

This. Pan-europeanism is a mental disease.

Only if the cause was to cleanse Europe of all muslims.

If they pay enough Im in.

>entire mother's side in english
>father's side has english, danish, croat, dutch ancestry as well as german
>the queen is therefore german
She's about as much of a Kraut as you are, you filthy Turkish shit sack

careful with these insults

>roach banter

No, neither a country army. Fuck you all.

>ur turk!!1!
>then complaining about banter quality
low tier tbf

No, fuck the EU.

Kill yourself, shitskin. No one wants you things in Europe.

What would the EU super army fight for?

Only if they gang up on very small nations

No lol I want to watch it burn


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I would gladly give my aryan life in defence of the European Superstate. All the cucks that refuse to sign up should be hanged.

Voluntary fighting forces have better morale than forced conscripts.

only if I can kill anglos

In exchange for expanding our EEZ to include Svalbarði, one war couldn't hurt.

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Irene is the only good thing that came from your country.

Heil pussy

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Based and redpilled. I'd fight against it and put Juncker's head on a pike.

Depends. Will it be as well equipped and supplied as the Brits and French or will it be like the German military?

I didn't know mr. Verhofstadt had a house in the Netherlands as well. Why do you not give shelter to refugees in some of your houses?

You'd rather be in our military. We only fight battles that we will win. And otherwise we go do something else.

>oh boy the serbs are coming
>let's pretend nothing is going on
>0 losses
Mission accomplished.


>oh we're fighting an innocent Indonesian village
>that went smooth

>oh the Germans are coming
>raise the white flag
>wew barely any losses

>lets pick a peaceful area in afghanistan
>let's pay those afghan warlords so they don't attack us

>the korean war
>lets help the Americans from a distance with our boats
>see we're doing our part

Only against

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I wouldn't even fight for France, so fighting for Germ... the EU, no thank you.

Our military also has no angry drill instructors.

can I also join you? because you guys do seem to like leaving me in the cold... I'm surrounded by some chad EU brothers but they never give a shit about me and they never let me use the same currency as theirs... so that they can keep me away from their own group..

Do what you want, lad. I wish you luck.


yeah, could be fun to meet EU brethrens

I'm not a soldier, but I'd work for money.

No, im not a cuck