bloody hell mate
100+ cars torched by masked gangs in a series of coordinated arson attacks in Gothenburg area last night. Fires at ~20 locations in & around Gothenburg. Also at least 13 cars torched in Stockholm and 3 in Malmö. No arrests
Of course you can. Dumbbells and a basic understanding of what actions activate what muscles.
Hell if you want to get your forearms going you can literally just get a pipe of some sort and rotate it in your hands.
Arms are legit the easiest thing in the world to train as you use them constantly.
Bet you're one of those Durham uni students that never goes out drinking and is too frigid to talk to girls
>mfw i forgot to make an early thread
Now we're talking. Unfortunately I am a big fan and binge watched all seasons as soon as they came out :/
feel very suffocated in life
like I can't do anything
ksi vs logan paul predictions?
good your threads are shit
>comp sci
virgin freak
>remember the fanny hole is always lower than you think it is
>X completely DESTROYS Y in debate
>*gets one million views in two months*
I know you're baiting but for anyone reading
my right arm is buff as fuck
anything on the news?
what did he mean by this
>I live in Sheffield
is it comfy?
l;m thinking about thos beans lads
dindu nuffin
And you're a paki that thinks raping 11yo girls is acceptable because it's your "culture"
You would look like a cartoon.
Better do 50 pushups a day and build yourself to 100. Those newbies gains would make you look like a relative Greek god
>Hell if you want to get your forearms going you can literally just get a pipe of some sort and rotate it in your hands.
no you can't
be quiet
for anyone reading
turtle pulling that bent face again
Mad how much the weather makes a difference yesterday I was thinking to myself how nice town was looking. But on an overcast day like today it makes me want to top myself it’s so unbelievably grim.
The main question here is will Pochettino stick with a 433 this season as he did against Newcastle?
l'm online shopping lads
i only took 1 compsci class and barely know shit but if you think that skill won't come in handy later on in life then you are just a fat retard neet
No and yes
why and why?
forgot your meme arrows, dumb cunt
Yeah it's easier to locate it by going for the asshole and then down a bit
50 pushups for someone with no muscle mass would be almost impossible. Or do you mean over the course of multiple sets a day.
Mark Kermode’s secrets of cinema on BBC4 now lads extremely comfy.
remembering when i was about 6 and ran out of bog roll after a shit. i used the cardboard tube to wipe my arse then tried to jam it down the bog but it wouldn't go round the bend, then my dad asked why i kept flushing the toilet and came in and went mental. he fished it out of the water and threw it away.
acid is nothing like this
met at least 2 cute girls doing computer science here
had to ask her to repeat thrice because i couldn't believe it
this didn't happen
Let's not delude ourselves. Conquering as much fanny as possible is the only activity worth pursuing in life. That's why I'm hopeless and suicidal lol.
I don't think rape is acceptable, however, I'm sure me and my paki brothers can make an exception for you
i think he will switch between a few, 4-2-3-1, 3-4-2-1, 4-3-3/4-5-1 depending on the opponent/who is available
for anyone reading.
were they niggers? or do niggers not talk to whitey in za?
there a myriad of better things to do
Yeah either that or do 10 one day then 11 the next and so on. What matters is consistency, not what you particularly do.
Download or buy "the laffay method" if you want a complete (and solid) workout program you can do at home.
yes it did i remember very clearly being embarrassed. was probably the first time ever
didn't put enough cordial in my drink
getting my bi weekly dose of nightscape
imagine actually believing this
me on the left
>I don't know how the 2 forearm muscles work
If there's one person I'll trust it's jeff.
who dat
i said cute girls didn't i you thick yank cunt
I live in a council house in a scummy area and have all my life so it is comfy for me
wasn't memeing you sad piece of shit
had to do some thing with the comp sci virgin freaks in my uni and 95% of them were virgin freaks and the only girl on the course came and chatted me up haha
>he doesn't drink cordial raw
i met a few cute ones too, doubt they ever had to do their own assignments
Wish I played lacrosse desu.
>I don't think rape is acceptable
No one is fooled. Abdul.
Why are men obsessed with bigger forearms? Masculinity is so fragile lmao
I like funny stuff you nonce or things that make you think (such as the wild wild country' documentary). The sopranos is perfect because it's both funny and makes you think
Any Netflix recommandations lads?
i played in college
easy pickings desu
Spaffing inside women is the only goal worth anything
what's wrong with being a virgin?
listening to lofi hip hop
not sure if l'm doing it ironically or not
box lacrosse is the most fun sport to play
what is something that men know that women don't?
Tell me what building you live in at Durham, and make sure you leave the door unlocked x
alan how is your material so consistent? in awe at your prowess lad
mad men
though it is a little intellectual for your brain alan
It's pointless trying to get big muscles when your fat is going to just hide them anyway.
Diet is more important.
please stop lying. It's not right.
stfu shane
>had to do some thing with the comp sci virgin freaks in my uni and 95% of them were virgin freaks and the only girl on the course came and chatted me up haha
Brett my son
Amber Doig-Thorne aka the thicc girl from the Facebook Fanta advert.
lacrosse is not a real sport
They're the skinniest part on your body. Plus having strong forearms is helpful.
what its like to get kicked in the bollocks
last chance u
seamus o'virgin
I don't even live in Durham, you whiffy wog.
not my name but knew plenty of kids named that and worse
and plenty of turbo chads like you read about online. i wasn't even particularly strong or good looking and still cleaned up off the residuals of my teammates 2bh
love will tear us apart
bet you love watching fat niggers in police body armor run at each other though and 75% ads during your viewing experience
Trailer park boyz reminds me of this song
true existential horror and suffering
Basically anything practical that doesn't involve cooking
what armitage shanks make
maybe get to know yourself and you'' see you have lots in common :)