Jow Forums social experiment

Let's imagine a catastrophic event has ended all life on Earth. However, you get to pick EIGHT(8) persons out of the 20 listed in pic related.
These 8 safely get on a remote island to repopulate the planet and start a new civilization. They can NOT leave the island until 30 years have passed.

Keep in mind you don't want inbred retards all over the Earth for this new era of human civilization (or do you?), so you better pick wisely
among male and female candidates.

Attached: intrepopulategame.jpg (1500x1600, 1.79M)

Should've put numbers on each pic
I ain't about to write their names and verify constantly which one anybody chooses

all the women and mikko

>that stereotype

Attached: archive.jpg (900x900, 89K)

Had a good laugh for each and everyone of them

> no bad toothed brit to try and worm it's way into the day to day workings of the group only to try and wreck it when it doesn't get it's own way.

Who would choose such a person?

Liz (canon path), Zaya (loli), Maria (hot nurse, Aisha (forbidden love) and Kimiko (asian fetish). Aside from that I'd bring along Mikko because hes terrible at socializing so therefore not a threat to my harem. Maybe when Zaya is old and used up he can have her.

Sadiiq and Idris


Even Ellen?