Shill me

I got 2 btc -- shill me low mcap, good fundamentals coins. T/A, or curry coin pumps welcome. just anything that hasn't mooned recently and i'll dump it into the winner. must give opinion on coin above you.

Attached: moon.jpg (804x744, 64K)

shut up nigger i mustn't do anything




Gets rid of passwords
Already filed for major exchanges
Demo video up already
It’s at half the price it was during ico
20 man team



lol yeah right

Covesting (COV)

I don't care what you think. If you want to know why I believe in this project, come onto Telegram, stay a while, and listen to what is being said.
This project has a lot in the works. 20m mcap is a steal. Absolute steal. 2bn mcap end of next year. Maybe sooner.

Credits, we're gonna pump hard soon, likely listing on okex very soon.

APH, thank me later

you are fucking welcome

looks like some decent ones listed. thanks anons, going to do a little research and then will post winner shortly


probably the last day to buy PCN at a good price... on CoinExchange. 3mil market cap

RefToken best moon mission...

1 million supply locked til EOY

Buy or literally stay poor

Attached: reftoken_og.png (555x278, 12K)


$6m cap
26 employees
3 new exchanges within a month
Already has working product

RLX is oversold AF. CMC listing all but guaranteed in the coming weeks and hitBTC listing hopefully by end of the month.

Some dumbasses bought the very top and started panic-selling so I managed to get a ridiculously good price. It's all up from here baby.

hey, i recently bought ATN, HYDRO, GEN(DaoStack) and NEXO. time for some random moon

shhh Jow Forums doesn't need to know about hydro. Let them FOMO at 30mm mkcap coming soon


tether because this shit is about to dump

you seem like a fuckhead for some reason. DO NOT BUY WAU COIN, it beats everything in the market and you are a pajeet jew nigger, so you are not allowed to buy WAU COIN. Buy REQ LINK or some other nigger jew coin or eth a jew coin

OP checkout peepcoin. Telegram has grown 30% in the last two days. Has gone from 1 sat (yes one sat) to 3 sats in 3 days. Also the PR manager has a interview with Mcafee TOMORROW PCN has also solved a tech peoblem facing privacy coins which is groundbreaking (proof of audit).

Oh the mcap is like 5 million. Thank me later

Attached: C9450182-F876-415A-B07C-541E459CC8AF.jpg (1080x1155, 290K)

chainlink nigga

– OriginTrail ($TRAC)
– Republic Protocol ($REN)
– Nexo ($NEXO)
– Zebi ($ZCO)

where is this trading?

XHV is gonna blow

Unironically LINK. its oversold, has strong support/a good upwards trend, and consensus is next week which may tangentially benefit it/the whole space.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 2.33.36 PM.png (1380x670, 122K)

that volume is wash traded just fyi

All in on HYDRO.