Does these things really work?

does these things really work?
what can i say to my psychiatrist to get them?

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To get mine I told him I had anxieties and needed something to calm down a bit.

He gave me the bullshit 5mg or some shit like that.

Had to take 6-7 pills to feel anything worthy.
But anyway don't do it, the high is shitty, lasts for a short time, and it's very addictive apparently

gay drug

he gave you .5mg (500 micrograms)
most people would black out taking 2mg+ so you either have a cross tolerance or are FUCKING HUGE

tell him you've researched medicine and think xanax might help you, and in all future situations ask yourself 'what would a non-autist do in this situation?' instead of coming here

yeah maybe, I don't remember

You can order them for 80 cents apiece on the darkweb, amigo. Their chemical makeup is very simple.

t. Done that for money

I've used for a short period of time.

Why do you think you need them?

Don't take that shit OP. Every problem you have now will become so much worse

im a neet cant buy them
i literally cant go outside without getting an anxiety attack

I think it’s okay once or twice. Maybe find one bar and take half.
But I agree don’t get a prescription, that shit’s poison if you take it more than 2 days in a row, I promise you.

Use the time you are high and functioning like a normal human being to fix your fucked up life, otherwise you'll just end being another addict.

Yes, this work very well especialy with canabis.
In our places it was named alprozolam.
I dont know that you should say your medic to get this. My mates got it from pushers through TOR.

>i literally cant go outside without getting an anxiety attack

Happened to me back when I was a Neet.
Buddy, you don't need this to relax again.
Just start taking care of yourself, do some sport at home or whatever and come out refreshed.
That shit won't help you at all.
I know, I've done it.

the problem is that i need to relax fast, im going back to school this week

Damn, they're that strong? I take 200mg of a drug to help with bi-polar mood stability which also helps with anxiety. Sounds like 200mg of xanax would melt my brain.

You sure that wasn't valium?

you would be blacked out for an entire week straight or more. probably feel like dogshit for an entire week after that

i remember taking too much xanax after trying to come down from a coke binge, my mind just totally went black and i woke up in the morning with my car scraped on the door, my front door wide open and my shoes on in bed. i was scared the police were going to show up or something

Benzodiazepines are actually very safe in overdose. The older sedative-hypnotics gave them a bad reputation for causing death they don't deserve. They will fuck you up though; I took 1mg Xanax for like two months as prescribed and got panic attacks, GI pain, tunnel vision, neuropathy, severe depression, and aphasia from it
The duration of action and addictive nature sound like Xanax

i was told xanax was supposed to make you chilled out but i just blacked out asleep after doing one bar

i made a full meal too and then just fell asleep for 10 hours

what did i do wrong

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one bar (2mg) is an extremely high amount if you have no tolerance. I'm no strangers to benzos and the most i've done is 1.75mg and I immediately had to fall asleep. But yeah, the people that tote xanax as this great high are retarded. It will mostly just make you sleepy and relaxed. Try .5mg and then another .5mg 45minutes later and try that if you get the chance. Any higher and you'll just want to sleep

My first dose was .5mg and I still fell asleep

That's because there was no anxiety in your body to fight back the drug.

This stuff is so fucking based and redpilled. Do you really need a doctor in Mexico? I thought you guys could just buy anything over the counter.



You cant buy most medication without a prescription.

I tend to find this is the normie response to Xanax

they don't feel much bc they don't have anxiety

it's only if you're on a mega comedown or got anxiety will Xanax do anything other than make you sleep.

I thought you fags made a fortune off gringo tourists this way. Viagra and shit too.

Anyway yeah just describe anxiety and panic symptoms.

What is it with bongs and namefagging? Fucking remove that shit.

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i was on a mega comedown though, i did a about a gram of MD the night before and a mate gave it to me to help with it

fuck off specialfag

benzos are the worst drug ever. you take some, then you wake up next morning and you don't remember anything, and you've done something spectacularly stupid
it's even worse if you actually become addicted to them. benzo withdrawal symptoms are the most lethal out of all.

>benzos are the worst drug ever
Nah man that's speed.

did your comedown continue after the Xanax?


high quality speed is a better alternative than MDMA if not abused, if the speed is abused then yeah, it's worse, if not, far better than coke or mdma.

i had suicide tuesday a few days later so i guess so

>you wake up next morning and you don't remember anything
Don't mix them with booze?

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Sleep is the ultimate chill state.

That's impossible, he's Finnish.

hmm fair enough, that's really odd bc I find Xanax to get rid of any comedown, but that's just me.

All these benzo weaklings
By now I just used so many types of drugs I don't think I feel anything anymore, I had to learn to deal with my constant anxiety and fear by other means

/brit/ fosters outsiders.

I shot amphetamine derivatives up my arm three times a day for just a month shy of a whole year when I was a teen
quitting speed was child's play. alcohol is harder to quit than speed. cigarettes are harder to quit than speed.

>alcohol is harder to quit than speed. cigarettes are harder to quit than speed.
And I have quit both!

Can't you just go up to your local narco cartel and buy from them?

Xanax is worse than other benzos because it's so fast-acting and has such a short duration. Like three weeks in you start getting interdose withdrawal

explain how I'm genuinely curious

the holy word of Christ is the only drug that really works

shut the fuck your mouth u romanian fuck

gonna take 300mg tramadol tomorrow and be slightly high the whole day. feels good man.

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I don't know the specifics. But I have never met anyone who has successfully dropped a benzo habit.

People are generally better off smoking opium than doing benzos, and that's a fact

ngl feel like only certain type of people will get addicted to drugs

that's just my opinion tho

Fuck off.

lot of people end up addicted to the pain meds that they are prescribed e.g. after surgery

Morphine is a better anxiolytic than any benzo, too. If the doc had prescribed me that I'd definitely still be on it whereas I did stop taking Xanax so pluses and minuses

I think morphine is probably less safe for long term use than Xanax dude.

Psychiatry isnt really a science so you can say pretty much anything to get some drugs to keep you distanced from reality.
You dont need this shit.
Just be real, man. You're Mexican ffs. Put yourself out there. Dont act like a retarted firstoid

You all need to seriously stop

Do y'all niggas like to smoke weed?

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yes if you take them when needed, aka you feel panic attack on the way or anxious
dont abuse it
the goal shouldnt be a high

Rebound anxiety from Xanax causes panic attacks

you got any facts to back that up?

use weaker brand or not as much then

No, and that's why I said "I think", but opioids are awful for your liver, bro.

.5mg is the lowest dose available

of benzodiazipines?

i was on for a few monthsd
wouldn't recommend. make you feel like shit when you wake up

acetaminophen is bad for your liver, not opioids.

both are bad for your liver if taken orally

alright. it's just that usually people who say "i think" haven't thought at all.
>opioids are awful for your liver
there are certain ways to take opioids that don't involve the liver at all