why wouldn't the world be safer if everyone had a gun? even out the playing field. the 19 year old female walking home from work at midnight is equal to the 40 year old thug with drugs in his system. sure some people would end up dying from freak accidents or unfortunate misunderstandings but overall I think the world would be safer. if you can't make everyone equally harmless then why not make everyone equally harmful?
Why wouldn't the world be safer if everyone had a gun? even out the playing field...
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The 92fs gets a lot of shit but no one can deny it is damn aesthetic
Good argument
I'd make a mutt edit out of your post but I'm already at the bed so you'll get a pass this time.
Well I support it.
>why wouldn't the world be safer if everyone had a gun?
Do you know what guns are designed to do?
did you read the rest of the post?
Well we are going to find out soon here