
Falklands are pretty big edition

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Can't wait to move to Queensland

New Zealand mogs the fuck out of Britain

las malvinas son argentinas

I long for the feeling of putting my penis inside a vagina

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Our year

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literally me

diversity is /brit/'s strength

based and redpilled

Night lads

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Wonder what the Indian Ocean Territory is like to live on

Literally why do the argies think the Falklands belong to them

circlejerking is x

curry and sand

smells like poopoo hahah

never ever ahahahahahahahah

Way in →

*sign points to ur mums arsehole*

they're stupid spics with an inferiority complex to any english-speaking population

>The only inhabitants are US and British military personnel and associated contractors, who collectively number around 2,500 (2012 figures).[4] The removal of Chagossians from the Chagos Archipelago occurred between 1968 and 1973. The Chagossians, then numbering about 2,000 people, were expelled by the British government to Mauritius and Seychelles to allow the United States to build a joint UK/US military base there. Today, the exiled Chagossians are still trying to return, arguing that the forced expulsion and dispossession was illegal.[9][10] The islands are off-limits to Chagossians, casual tourists, and the media.

← Way out

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cats smell sort of wheaty bit like biscuits or something


Man I was going to say something but I don't remember what it was so you better just reply to this or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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Probably pretty grim

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Replied to Immunity Dog years ago which still protects me

god created existence to cultivate hatred and despair

You fear Scousers because we are arder than Australians say they are

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Slow and steady, lads, that's how we'll restore the British Empire.

be careful, insulting ones parents in korea is considered a crime because they are Confucianism fundamentalists

you can get your punishment reduced even if you committed murder in case that the victim insulted your parents


Hillsborough was our 9/11 but it still isn't the heavy weight champion of terrorist attacks

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hatred and despair is ambrosia
the gods feast on the aged and flavorful hate of the virgin freak most readily upon their deaths

women are mindless demonic forces used to cultivate this ambrosia

forget those garandiose foolhardy dreams, best align yourself with a poo or chink variety and pray for the best

whats the best free news websites

need some lying in bed chainsmoking cigs at 3am on a tuesday night kind of choons

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never saw any of the avengers films but they all look incredibly gay
genuinely never understood this infatuation with superhero films

I watched a Korean film and in it there were women in jail for adultery, is that really a thing?


Unironically the guardian

I've seen
Iron Man 1 (on a plane)
Iron Man 2 (on a plane)
Hulk (on a plane)
Captain America (on a plane)
I liked them I think

We're already a glorified Chinese colony.

Völkischer Beobachter

Hillsborough was worse than 9/11.

vox, vice, femfreq

Not them. I'm a scouser and i have never understood why the average person from liverpool reckon they are so hard. Most people are skinny chavs.

>hold x to run at 75% speed
>tap x to run at 80% speed

virgin freak

good lad, you're on the right side of history
people will look back on superhero films the same way we look back at overproduced cheesy 80s action films
take solace in the fact that in 30 years time we can say "i never liked them"

just stick with that then

adultery was a punishable crime until 2016
not now tho

remember when margaret thatcher fucked your country in the ass without lube

isn't there a massive gun crime problem in liverpool

I will literally fuck anything, I don’t care what species it is

who sez its a problem? wanker

how about a camel or a goat mate

I smell the freakoid fumes

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some fella got drive-by'd near where i live a couple of weeks ago

Would you support a United UK with Ireland back in the fold?

Pussy too big for my micropenis

do you think margaret thatcher had girl power?

>camel or a goat
thats not a nice way to talk about his sisters

how to chummy up with an egyptian?
politics is off limits because it is at work

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My cars battery died and my dad had to pick me up

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What's wrong with being a virgin?

egyptians in the US are the best muslim freaks

I think she had rotten auld cunt power

hillsborough just killed scousers, 9/11 killed mostly americans, neither are human so neither are really proper disasters

where you at la
call AAA or your insurance

>skinny chavs

I don't think you realise how cuntish these people are m8.

*does the lambada*

do you think she effectively used that rotten auld cunt power by funneling money to illegal paramilitary death squads in north Ireland?

>They're proud of it
Quite a sobering video

Talk about football or sport. 90% of Egyptians are crazy about football

Only if Ireland wanted to be back.

i see
don't think he is one tbqh
wanna play it safe, PG tier

god shut the fuck up
you're quoting that jew nigger

>south sandwich

yep, they are the big winners

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T. Cutter from Chester

He brought something to Jumpstart it with and was able to drive home in it while i drove home in the car he brought. I need a new battery now (150 dollars)

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good stuff, ta la x

no i'm paraphrasing you spastic

it wasnt effective because taigs still roam Ulster

watching fear and loathing

lads, a girl i'm currently talking to is bisexual


remember when being gay was a punishable crime in UK?

Tell her you’re trans

bisexuality doesn't exist you sub-normie cunt

pee pee poo poo

here we are.......

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where the buffalo roam is better

Yeah, there are shooting, but that does not make the avarage wannabe road man chav hard. i live on a council estate that has shooting and most people here are fannys

i do. they are weak. The only reason they might be a threat is because a lot of them carry blades but me ma' is dangerous if you give her a knife, ye get me, they are still weak.