How boomer are you?

How boomer are you?

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I drank one of those this morning
really good energy boost for a 10 hour shift

I'm so boomer I remember when Goldeneye 007 came out

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True boomers drank the normal black and green one

Ultra zero sugar one is good for us now that we're older though

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used to drink them alot. had to stop drinking fizzy drinks because i need to be less of a fatass

I drink one in the morning. Gives me a jolt of energy for work

Does involuntarily vomiting hours later whenever I eat almost anything, count?

>It took me only 1 year after getting my bachelors degree to get a six-figure salary
>27 and I'm looking at purchasing a house
>genuinely comfy with the notion of working only 40 hrs a week at this job for the next 35 years

I'm too boomer for my own good.

>ITT: m*nster marketing interns

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t. rockstar guzzling zoomer