>APH and SWH fags think they will be able to compete with the literal CHAD dex/fiat gateway/European security
who /comfy/? Got 3 KYCed accounts hoping to get a 9k allocation as well.
>APH and SWH fags think they will be able to compete with the literal CHAD dex/fiat gateway/European security
who /comfy/? Got 3 KYCed accounts hoping to get a 9k allocation as well.
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gibe something pls kind sir, here is my neong adr AS9m94dKiPuabwKTUydKdfaEM6LYfoeRqU
we all know this is going to be huge. just waiting patiently.
There you go mate, don't spend it all in one place
It will be huge... In fucking AUGUST.
got 2 accounts
wow thank you!! now i can send something if i ever have any tokens on that wallet
so fucked off I didn't get in
You have 60kyced accounts you larping fag?
How bad is this shit compared to Coinmetro?