Were Spanish conquistadors trying to create a new race in their colonies? Why did they racemix so much?

Were Spanish conquistadors trying to create a new race in their colonies? Why did they racemix so much?

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>Why did they racemix so much?

i have no idea

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They were trying to imitate their Arab ancestors.

.... just think..
Spain, like other european kingdoms at the time ha a small population, so colonizing with spanish setlers would be hard, if not imossible, what we iberians did was to not only setle our people there but mix with them, so that their next generation would have our blood, giving us a claim to the land and to the people.

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Im not Jow Forumstard but it was a epic mistake.
I mean just look at the both cultures ,theyre beautiful in one side we has the beautifull spanish culture with amazing literature and music, and the other are civilitations with innovative tech and spirit culture like the Inca,aztec,guarani,maya etc.They was WAYS better before the race mixing. It is a fucking mistake holy shit.

if they did not has people then how the usa and canada was founded by a lot of them? iberians should bring their women to the new world at least to create a nice spin-off of them.

Spanish monarchs protected native populations so they managed to survive and thrive unlike natives in contact with English settlers which inevitably led to the suppression of the natives by force to allow settlers by in peace.

Thriving natives means more cuties to tempt God fearing Spanish settlers with.

Your are right, i was talking not really about spain but, about portugal, we always had a small population, around 1.5M when the discoveries started, so you can see why that strategy was used.

they came to conquer not to settle. they brought no women with them and women being as they are cucked the indio men for the taller white men. we are the result.

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they were too retarded to bring women with them