What the fuck did you fuckers do? i literally just came back from the gym and first thing I see is this

what the fuck did you fuckers do? i literally just came back from the gym and first thing I see is this

Attached: nicebiz.png (966x580, 11K)

el barto....

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg (566x800, 67K)


Bill Gates found out how he could short bitcoin

yeah imagine being a fucking normalfag cuck like OP

I hope he kills himself



that retarded chink I swear to god

obese faggot

>not being a sleep deprived NEET monitoring charts 24/7 and putting stop losses once a week when you sleep an entire day


fuck off normie, this board isn't for you

short your life faggot

Are we returning to a bart market?

It's all a conspiracy to manipulate LINK. The Delphi are stronger than you know.

Notice how every single time LINK starts making a rally upward there's a massive BTC dump.

LINK is the key to crypto.

cope harder normie faggot

Kek, Bill Gates knew the whole time and has been accumulating for months in prep for an eternal beat down of anyone dumb enough to take his bait


Attached: 1521007302195.png (600x583, 718K)

Ay Carumba!

>ust came back from the gym
lmao kill yourself faggot

/soros enters the game

This. OP is a basic bitch faggot putting his time into a pointless exercise only to get praise from Jow Forumscucks and roasties. Stay fucking poor.

El barro de las americas

It's good for your physical and mental health though.

I literally got back from selling stocks to buy the next crypto dip. Thanks friends

Attached: 1521858480647.jpg (1200x960, 95K)

basement dweller virgin detected.

Get outta here with your facts and rationality, this is Jow Forums

t. buttblasted Jow Forumsfags