Have intense fear of deep water

>have intense fear of deep water
>can barely look at underwater features on google earth
>swimming in deep in videogames petrifies me
anyone else /aquaphobic/ here?

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sup ulillia

I understand your fear but still think you're a faggot

I don't think you are a faggot

I think you're bi-curious

>go scuba diving in croatia
>be 25m deep
>water still goes much deeper
>everything in the distance is completely black
Would this frighten you?

Same. Ironically I do windsurf + kayak - in the sea/ocean as a test

Somewhat. I don't mind it if I'm on a ship for some reason.

I feel you Lachlan. Water is almost as scary as nurses.

I have been swimming all my life and got my diving certificate at age 13 so no, i am not scared of water

No, I'm white.

i've had nightmares where i'm trapped in this sort of scenario where i'd wake up in a panic. yes it does frighten me

Try staying in the shower for a long amount of time instead of exiting the moment you take a shit

i only have that fear with oceans. not pools or whatever

i've been swimming since an early age as well. i can do swimming pools (unless they exceed 2.5m)

Yeah but what are you scared of? Just the water?
That it's dark?

I thought it was strangely relaxing. Like looking at the night sky except there's no stars.

hard to explain, i don't think theres any tangible entity that makes it so spooky. i suppose that's why it's called an irrational fear.

>can't watch Abyss without fainting

avatar 2 will include footage of the mariana trench. are you going to watch it?

What do you think of subnautica? One of my fav game.

never heard of it

I'm terrified of the dentist.
I can't enjoy myself at all in the week leading up to a dentist appointment.
One of my wisdom teeth is moving a back molar but i'm not gonna take it out until he tells me to

i believe that's also quite common, and it's understandable, orthodontic work can be painful as fuck. ive gotta head to the dentist this week to consult them about one my molars. i think it needs to be extracted, abscess formed on my gum

you should play it
