Why are they rude?

Why are they rude?

Attached: 1024px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg.png (1024x683, 1K)

fuck off

Danes are worse.



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Belgium is like a different world compared to the Netherlands. They don't hide behind a thin veil of "honesty" and "straightforwardness" to act rude to other people.

Attached: 692px-Flag_of_Belgium.svg.png (692x600, 1K)

go fuck yourself ex commie shithole

Hou je bek kankerhomo, moet jij niet bezig zijn met geannexeerd worden door rusland?

they stole our flag

Ik schijt op je draad

that sounds russian

It's from legalisation of fagsex

Kinda does desu.

Hello Dutch in Belgium

Not really
100% belgian
Why are you so butthurt?

You just described Walloons. Fl*mings are just as bad as their Dutch masters.

There is hope today that one day the Earth will be relieved of smug and rude Beneluxians and they will be replaced with agreeable and honest Frenchmen. We'll leave the Germanoid menace for another day.

Keep dreaming, reserve binland.

Aside from clogging up the roads, Dutch tourists are probably the best in the world. Very friendly, good-looking and decent.

t. extremely rude Germanoid

This. We love our Dutch neighbors! I don’t get why OP is so butthurt. They are usually nice people, desu.

You are also fucking rude, dumb chukhon, you called me a churka, ME - A TATAR. No one calls us anything. You cross the line, you pay the fine.

time is money friend

All the Dutch folk I meet online are really nice.

I am a very friendly person.

You know nothing about the Dutch.

>is proud of it

Yeah, you're right. The most friendly tourists/travellers/exchange students were from Litauen or Estland

To be fair I know nothing about how the other people in my country carry themselves. I exist only in my own bubble of justice and altruism.

>>you know nothing about the Dutch

What should we know?

my sides

Shut up sandnigger inbred JEWrab, you don't know SHIT.
>I am a very friendly person.
Maybe it was another guy. Estiis are very rude period, to be quite honest. Hate everyone east and south of them.

Did someone punch you? I won't help you getting up.

superiority complex

We lost half our homeland and we take that out on other people.

Attached: Nederland.jpg (800x593, 185K)

Ik neuk jullie allemaal de moeder