Besides japanese, are there any other languages don't have the equivalent of "fuck you"?

besides japanese, are there any other languages don't have the equivalent of "fuck you"?

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What does your language use?

probably other ooga booga langauges like korean

Yes. Arabic. I can't think of an equivalent for "Fuck you" in Arabic. People here mostly just insult your mom or something.

gan ni nian幹你娘 (fuck your mom)

now i know why no sekkusu on this land

Maltese. There's no equivalent that I'm aware of. The closest thing I can think of translates to "Fuck your life".

Us. We don't really use "Fuck you". We either say something nice about your mother and her dead relatives or just to suck our dick. The thing that is closes to "Fuck you" is "Du-te-n pula mea" which translates to "Go into my dick"?????? or something like that.

"Fok jou"

What if you want to insult your sibling?

It's same in chinese, "fuck" is used for mothers or grandfather's etc

>other countries with small benis

Interesting fetish

we'd say "jokka"

"Fuck you" is a strange insult when you think about it. It means nothing. There's the "fuck" verb and then there's "you". Is "you" a subject or an object? If it's a subject, there's no implied object and vice versa. It's a broken sentence.

Compare it with the French "va te faire foutre" (go get fucked) and the German "ich fick dein Mutter" (I fuck your mother). They are complete sentences with a subject and an object. "Fuck you" makes no grammatical sense.

During the Gulf War, American soldiers would yell at Iraqis in Arabic that their mothers were filthy whores so they'd become enraged and run towards them, where they would immediately be taken prisoner.

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Stuff like Sarma(cuck i think), 'Ayawan(animal), Khawal(retard), Beddan(unfunny; literally "eggs"), Manyak(fucked), etc.

I never knew about that but OK.

Go to dick

Besides German, do any other languages have an equivalent of the German "doch"?
It is used to contradict a negative statement. (So it's not the same as "yes")


Teacher: You didn't do your homework, again!
Pupil: "Doch", i did.

Attached: ASWDRTZJ.png (964x800, 25K)


We have it, Jo.

>Ga naar dick
Like this?

Attached: reliable translator.png (728x221, 12K)

We just use "no" for those instances.

im actually russian dorist :-DD

We sometime say "E żobbi!" lol

I dont think fuck you exists in any language apart from english. There are at best close/not so close approximations

"fuck" is apparently one of the most diverse words used in any language.

Attached: hmmmm.jpg (777x800, 74K)

fuck something means you don't care about it
fuck you=i don't give a fuck about you

we have "fuck yourself" instead, which means "go masturbate" i guess

>go into my dick

I'm not him, but we don't say "fuck you" in the Netherlands.
We instead say things like "kanker op", "tyf op" and "rot op".
Which basically all mean "piss off", instead of piss we say cancer, typhus and rot.
Or "krijg de schijt" which literally means "get the shit", which I assume is diarrhea.

We use cancer in the same way English speakers use fuck.

I just noticed croatia and Holland have basically the same flag. But croatia has some gay shit on it.

we also have
go into dick
go into your mothers pussy
go into three of your mothers pussies

"krijg de tering" which means get tuberculosis.

it's a pineapple


It's a pineapple. Because they are basically Italians and love pizza. So they put ananas on their flag, as it belongs on a pizza.

our national fruit
we have pineapple festivals every year

and yes, we call it ananas like all normal countries

a fucking PINEAPPLE

Pretty much. Even in the contexts where fuck has a positive connotation (kankerlekker).


i fuck your mother
i fuck your god
may a dog fuck your mother

It's a proxy.