>average Lithuanian,Latvian,polish girl
How based is that these qts come to the uk and bang us average Joes, if a local girl looked like that you'll need a fat cock and wallet + Chad assertive personally just to orbit her. God bless that I was born an Englishman and all euro qts desire our superior genes
Average Lithuanian,Latvian,polish girl
we are getting bleached
Because they're stupid roastie whores that have been brainwashed by the Jews. Literally walking, talking fleshlights.
Most Brits have black hair and brown eyes(but very pasty white skin) while you lot all have blue eyes and blonde/brown hair(poles are darker then then the other two, you have more british look)
Based eternal jew helping his eternal Anglo brother getting 10/10 foreign qts
>most brits have black hair and brown eyes
Welshman detected
So this is what Balts have become... A walking fleshlights for their ugly british overlords... Noice.
Difference to Russians being that Russian women are walking fleshlights for anything that moves
Funnily enough East Slavs are proud to be walking fleshlights.
daily reminder Slavs =/= White. Thank you for your attention.