Why is Italy in G8 ?

Why is Italy in G8 ?

Attached: g8_2.jpg (480x400, 33K)

why is canada

countries that don't belong

you meant G7

they had a high economy back then

Shut your mouth gaul dog and pay tribute to cesar

you should come back ivan


please dismiss Japan from G8.

G8 is just a meaningless western club which brings no profit to the world..

reminder that the most famous frenchman ever is 100% etnichally italian.

Why did Germany damage the economy of Italy ?

>brings no profit to the world
Well, who does?

Disgusting french dog had to be civilized by roman and frankish bulls and thinks he can talk shit


why isnt china in G8 (best and most powerful country in the world, fuck USA)

Why is Italy in EU?
Just kick her out.

>Why is Italy in EU?
>Just kick her out.


Why is Russia not in g8?
Also, where is pic related, Pierre?

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They have a quality industry unlike the german.
And have a more important industry than us french. So yeah they fully deserve that place.
Unlike Canada.

Where is the proud Soviet marines?
Sinked in murmansk and Vladivosok?
I feel you Sergei.

>where is pic related

In Ukrainian Crimea.

>Unlike Canada.
Fuck you

>lazy unemployed muzzies deserve to be in the G7

Is Italy no.4 rank in Europe??

RF marines are pretty good actually and have decent training
t.served in a marine regiment for a year

Why do you have to be like that? I thought we were friends.

Because G7 is nothing more but american puppet club.

Fact matters!

Les faits sont têtus !!

I meant Navy not marine
Mispelling here

>why is one of the biggest developed economies in the club of the biggest developed economies?
Mmmh, not sure

After Russia left, None of the members can be against the US anymore.

so I beg you to come back to the club.

What's even the point of this organization? If you need to discuss things then you only need to talk with americans.

I'm unironically thinking that we should divide our country. Really sad

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shut up we are a third world shithole

yeah, kick us out EU

becase of pic related,before g*rmany ruined us with their euro autism.

I hope they kick us out, so we can join our natural allies Turkey and Russia

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Attached: GDP80ss.jpg (915x73, 26K)

Japan has no regular oppotunity to meet Russia except for this gathering.

I was very profitable for Japan to talk with Putin behind American.

Italy is in the G8 because the USA proposed Canada as a member and the Europeans countered with adding Italy as a member

>the Europeans
Minus the French
I don't know why we would be against a 2nd francophone country.


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You are wrong

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Attached: fuck the leaf.png (410x512, 205K)

Japan has no opportunity to officially meet Russia except for this gathering.

Before you were dismissed, It had been so profitable and important for Japan to talk with Putin behind American.

replace by Poland or Worst Korea



Cause Brazil is irrelevant

because germans are savages

Italy what happened to you

Let me guess... EU?

Because you're in the trash, where you belong.

Japan is only relevant still because of it has shitloads of people. There are no good MBA schools in Japan, fuck why?

>MBA schools
nice meme.

Russia and US both shit.

G6 is best for the world.