Basically, price of one single bitcoin is too high. Imagine 1 BTC is 10k$ and normie think of putting 600$ into crypto. Will he say: wow I'm so happy I just bought 0,06 BTC I feel rich! No, that's retarded. Normie would never do that.
This is also a reason why normies like Ripple or Tron, people like buying cheap stuff and have like thousands or millions of coins, they feel rich.
So in order to change it, we should use bits or something with similar name. 1 bitcoin = 1 000 or 1 000 000 bits. Then in the same example normie will have 60 or 60 000 bits. Much better. He will feel that he actually owns something. This is also much more important when they know btc used to be for couple dollars or even cents, buying for 10k $ will feel stupid for most of the people, when they know other bought it incomparably cheaper. What do you think Jow Forums
Er, it already exists and they are called Satoshiis
Noah Brown
Of course it exists, but it's nowhere similar name to Bitcoin. Ask normies on the street if they heard of bitcoin. Most will do. Then ask if they heard of Satoshi. I guarantee almost nobody heard.
Noah Foster
Nobody fucking cares what normies think you fucking retard
holy shit just delete your thread
Gabriel Price
You didn't get laid in a long time or sth? Ignore the thread if you are too stupid to understand that normies are necessary for btc to reach new ATH
Noah Johnson
What the retard OP is trying to say is that we should start talking about and referring to bitcoin prices in USD:Sats rather than USD:BTC
Noah Ramirez
>normies are necessary for btc to reach new ATH They aren't. Normies are irrelevant.
You didn't even know what a Satoshi was 10 minutes ago and you're calling other people normies. Please kys.
Luke Martinez
not this AGAIN. first it was 100 bucks, then 1000, then 20,000. NONE of them have been to high. yet ppl say this repeated dead argument.
Normies don't have this mindset. they just buy because its popular and vetted. wait till it breaks ATH again and they will flood back in. price means little.
Hahaha, yeah I never heard about satoshi. What a fucking retard you are. Again dude, go do something useful and stop participating in topic you don't understand
Justin Hill
We don't need normies. We need big institutional dollars. Billions of them.
Oliver Morales
>You didn't get laid in a long time or sth? Notice the completely normie argument that OP uses
"You're just mad because you haven't gotten laid!!!"
Benjamin Cooper
>Nobody fucking cares what normies think you fucking retard
normies are the ones who buy high and sell low. we need normies for volatility.
Jaxon Richardson
Yeah but there is difference holding 1000, 200, or even 5 coins of something. Psychologically you feel so much better than holding 0,006 btc which soon will be the case if btc price grows
Brandon Morgan
>Normies That's not where the purchasing power is DumBFUCk
Gavin Rodriguez
It's obvious that you never knew what a Satoshi was before you started this thread, otherwise you would've suggested that an already-standardized name be adopted by "normies" instead of trying to invent a completely new standard that not everyone will accept AND convince "normies" to adopt it. Why not just teach normies to measure in Satoshi instead of inventing some new arbitrary confusing measure like "bits"?
By the way, exchanges have tried to use your retarded idea before and it completely fails and becomes unusable for trading.
You are a moron.
David Wilson
häng dig
Elijah Price
Maybe once 1 BTC = 100M lmao
Tyler Sanders
It's stupid anyways, an exchange called coinsquare already tried to do what OP described, they quoted bitcoin as mBTC/USD or mBTC/CAD
it was retarded and lead to a lot of pissed off and confused users.
Elijah Murphy
I know they tried, that's why I'm bringing this idea again for a discussion.
satoshi, bits, mBTC, whatever you want to call it, it's not the point of my post. I'm just trying to tell you guys nobody ever will be happy from holding 0,00235 of sth. They would much rather have 235, it feels you own something
Dominic Campbell
theres no way a person this retarded exists. heres your (You).
Caleb Thomas
thats basically what stopped me buying bitcoin the first time i intended to. i remember thinking something like, so i have to pay 10 bucks to get 0,1, how is it called? bitcoin? na that is kind of wierd i guess i wont be buying weed other the internet then.
Charles Gonzalez
You really think normies are what drives price action? You must be new
Hudson Robinson
and thats why HOLO will get to 10 cents.normies dont understand the concept of market cap, they just see a cheap coin and they buy it. Just like TRON
OP has a valid point. We have to market the value of a Satoshi in order for mass adoption
Ayden Morgan
Definitely true, if people don't have enough money to buy at least 1 full unit, many will feel it's not worth it. And take a look at Bytecoin recently. People were buying for 0,2$ or something, even though the binance price meant it's #3 in CMC. Some idiots didn't care, because they saw it as a cheap price
Lincoln Richardson
Maybe internet coin just isn't worth more than 10k usd.