Any prediction on LTC price? I am unironically all in this shit right now.
LTC price prediction
.015 - .02 BTC.
more like .1 to .2
Ask Marius
Hi Marius
going to tank hard soon then no idea if it ever moons again
LTC is completely useless now. It's just a copy paste of bitcoin with lower fees and different mining algorithm (that's also fucked by asics worse than btc btw). If you want low fees, there are feeless coins. If you want fast transations, there are much faster coins that confirm within a second. Scrypt is a shit algo, but there are better coins that use that too. Even the main chink dev sold his stack in December because he knows this and knows it's already peaked.
Why would you go all in on this shit in 2018?
Don't expect any price action without BTC mooning first.
Marius also like Ambrosus
The date is May 28 now. He keeps pushing it back.
and the bcash shills come out
although i agree going all in ltc is jsut silly unless you have like a lot of money and are just looking for small easy gains. overall you should expect it to perform a little better than btc with random moons every now and then.
nah, i doubt its ever going lower than 135-140 ever again. this coin never tanks just slow bleeds if btc isnt doing so hot.
overall solid hold, not for impatient kiddos it loves to plateau for months
>you have like a lot of money and are just looking for small easy gains
This. I need a safe bet. Basically, I don't want to hold my money in USDT on an exchange. LTC was here a while ago, so It shouldn't disappear any time soon. This is currency coin and I think it is the better tech than BTC or BCH. It doesn't disappear because of devs can't deliver the product or something. As I sad previously LTC better then BCH in all except branding name and it's market cup is lover right now.
litecoin is a terrible coin to go all in on user, its the next zcash. What is it bringing to the table? It won't be around in 5 years time
This is coming from someone for whom ltc was their first buy, get out now even the founder doesn't hold it anymore because he knows its never reaching ATH again
>the altcoin with the longest history wont be around in 5 years
okay dude, surely you're not a bcash shill
This. LTC is now outdated. It's outperformed by other coins in literally every category.
Does anyone know if Charlie sold his nano? he was buying it around the time it went hyperbolic IRRC.
>and the bcash shills come out
Their arguments are hillarious sometimes.
>just a copy of bitcoin
>chink pump n dump scam
>bcore has a lot of shills
All of which they themselves are guilty of.
>If you want low fees, there are feeless coins. If you want fast transations, there are much faster coins that confirm within a second
He's not talking about BCH, you paranoid faggot.
>get confronted with facts i don't want to hear
>must be a bcash shill
LTC is literally worthless.
OP is retarded.
LTC could be around 700 year end
Sell this shitcoin now OP
LTC is obsolete and brings nothing to the table
i don't think any other coin has endured such a prolonged FUD campaign
Stating facts about LTC is FUD
stating facts about any project is FUD according to biz
LTC is here to stay.
I unironically think this without even spreading fud. I don't care about the price and I'm not invested in litecoin because of these reason. If you want a decentralized currency continue using btc, but the real money is trustless smart contracts and anybody with a brain can see this. Btc introduced the blockchain concept but it has moved into new areas. LTC is a copy of an outdated coin.