>gf of 4 years leaves me
>agree to stay friends and we meet up and chat occassionaly
>week after this posts a sexy pic with another guy on insta
>probably been with him months before pulling the plug
>changes my name to his on vacation we were supposed to go to
>are on said vacation while i am typing this
>no contact with her for 3 days
>she texts me out of the blue "its so strange being on vacation without you"

What does it mean and how should i respond?
I would give my left arm to get back together but i know its impossible
Pic unrelated

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Is this bait? If not tell her to fuck off and move on with your life

>be girl
>easily hop from guy to guy
>new guy isnt giving you enough attention, text your last guy
>turn sound on
>new guy asks who is messaging you, 'oh its my ex, haha, he really wants to get back with me'
>new guy trys even harder to play it cool and run game
>have a nice vacation

leave the POS
you got cucked mate
move on

>revenge is a dish best served GOOKED
tell her to buy ICX and make her lose money

jesus dude block that bitch

Talk to more girls OP
women are masters of dread game and are Machiavellian as fuck

user ive been here (well no vacation but whatever)
I got back with my gf. I don't know if I recommend it. Takes a lot of time and the relationship is ruined/weathered/permanently damaged in some way it feels.

IF you really want to be back with her respond openly.

idk I'd be pissed as fuck if some roastie whore took someone else on vacation with her instead of me? I guess Im the one that plans vacations so I wouldn't be in this situation anyway.

I personally recommend telling her to fuck off and you start making it your goal to be banging some hot art hoes

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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business. Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on . Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect. Note: Jow Forums is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cyptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

Ignore her, get Jow Forums and rich then post Instagram of yourself surrounded by thots

Is this even a question? Cease all contact immediately.

this, also don't respond and leave her on read/block her if you lack the willpower to not respond.

She'll be creating all sorts of fake accounts to stalk you

Just deal with the fact that this is reality. Expect your relationship to someday fall apart, enjoy your shit while it lasts. As soon as you or her gets bored, it's highly likely that someone will cheat.

How does it feel knowing the woman you're with now had cocks in the same pussy you put your mouth on at night, even more in her mouth, and god knows how many makeouts?

Have some fucking self respect. Clean your room.

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women are commodities, OP is on topic

Send her a dick pic and block her immediately afterwards.

this image always makes me lol


What user said. If your investment isn't paying off then divest.
Get a girl with higher ROI
Or get bent son

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It doesn't fully display my shear nauseating despair when I witness men taking back a girl after a """"Break"""" (Guy playing warcraft while chick gets slammed in a bathroom stall)

i've figured it out guys. I'm going to buy LINK.


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just use crypto to get a bj

send back photo of your dick getting sucked and say sorry senpai busy rn

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1. Get another gf
2. Make sure she knows about it
3. If you both still want to get back together then you know it's real

t. guy that got back together with gf

>break up with gf
>not cutting complete contact

Why do you guys do this to yourself?

This was the weirdest link shill thread. I like it.

thot slaying 101.

Kill both of them and then send their bodies to monero

real talk.

This girl is not asian.

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How does his cum taste?

Sounds like your gf had control issues. If this is true let me know and I'll tell you exactly how to sort this bitch out.

Literally the only chad move to make here so you are cuck-proof is to simply NOT RESPOND OR TALK TO HER EVER AGAIN.

She wants you there as cuckold to watch them fuck and cook for them etc. Maybe you get to lap up the creampir he left for you in her if you are a good boy.

this isn't r9k, faggot
sage and report

OP the only response is to send her a pic of your cock in some hotter chick.

Stop being such a beta.

Shes a player and is simply keeping a door open with you in case things dont workout with this guy.

My advice is be in control and cut it off, she will panic and the ball will be in your corner... but the best thing you can do with people like that is make them be alone.

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Tell her

"You'll get used to it."

make sex tape "accidently" send to her

unironically this. this is the only way you can truly get back at her and make her genuinely regret what she did

the single most alpha response would actually be to text her back "lol"

it would drive her absolutely insane to try and figure out what you mean with that response. it's so fucking vague without being cold or butthurt at all. god damn i kinda wish i was in your situation so i could send this and just totally fuck her world up

That's a stupid response user. Better say nothing.

>not even a lazy, single reference to either a business or...
Business & Finance, sorry

Mass block her on everything and ghost.
This is Jow Forums underager. Sage.

Maybe she broke up with you because she thinks you're a weak beta make. Now she's testing you because he's not sure.
You can either prove her wrong by begging her to take you back or you can do the beta thing and tell her to gargle your shit.

women are a liability unless they have a child with you, do not waste time on those not willing to produce one, unless it's as a pet where you have minimal time involvement with it

I'm going to have a nap now.

she wouldn't give about that retard. he should respond, "well im getting used to normal life with you." that will ruffle her feathers.

god damnit, without*
alternatively, "im glad you're away, you should stay there" something asshole mode like that

don't respond to her at all. girls feed off attention. starve her of it

Don't fall for it op.



I think no response is the best option, will drive her nuts and want your attention again

Honestly don't respond at all. Mute her texts so you don't even see them, go work on a hobby and get in shape and then go meet more girls. They are a dime a dozen after 25.



Respond with "sorry who is this? I think you have the wrong number". Then get off fucking Instagram and Fagbook, and get a fucking life. Why should you put your energy into a fucking whore that doesn't care about you? Social media is bad for your mental health user. Stay off that shit.

kek welcome marine

cut all contact man. This is the only response. and get laid as soon as possble and fuck as many girls as you can to bury the pain of this cunt who's dragging you through the mud. So sorry she's being such a bitch. You'll learn and grow from this. That's fucking brutal man.

On some accountability shit, two things here. 1. you were probably too beta, and 2. you chose a shit woman. Fix yourself.

Send dic pic

the thought of a walking cunt consciously employing any facet of intentional game makes me sick. I don't care how incel this sounds but there's nothing I enjoy more than crushing a female's id.

She checking to see if you are still interested in order to stoke her own ego.

they're too weak willed. Most people can't go this route.


>agree to stay friends

This is where you fucked up big time

Dont understand how you could have an amicable break up

You either fight to stay together or fuck off forever, inbetween is for high schoolers

Listen user. I’m gonna give you the realest advice anyone ever will because this shit hits close to home. I’ll be honest there are a lot of sexy ass woman out there and it may suck at first but eventually you’ll move on and find someone better, but I know it’s hard when you’ve been with someone for so long. If you wanna win her back be distant. Don’t reach out to her but if she hits you up give her short answers. Be a dick but do it subtly and she’ll come back

go poast this garbage on you incel faggot, this is Jow Forums, we are serious businessmen. fuck off and enjoy the ban.

Reply with "New phone is this ETH?"

Check alpha male strategies on YouTube. He is the only dating coach worth checking and not just some s o y pretending to be alpha. Only Youtuber and public speaker to i've ever willingly gave money.
Check his videos on validating women and you will know what (not) to do