I have less than 24 hours left until I'm a 30 year old boomer, and it's really hitting me heavy how far I am from making it. Currently I'm an unemployed CPA, have negative net worth from student loans still, and fell for the LINK meme (2k linklet). Anyone else know this feeling of abject failure?
30 Year Old Boomer Commiseration Thread
No I'm a 18 yr old boomer making 100k a year as Wendy's chef
Would recommend learning some programming so you can automate your job
I'm a 32 year old boomer with less than $500k to his name, still renting. Crypto was my one chance but I bought in too late. Kill me.
Less than $500k? How is that bad for someone at 32...
I'm almost 30 too bro. Got no student loan(free uni here lol) but still unemployed and poor as fuck. Don't even have 2k link :(. This crypto thing is litetally my last hope but I'm constantly FUD:ing myself that I got in too late and I'm not gonna make it.
Becoming a 30 year old boomer is a cruel fate user. Stay strong during these dark and tumultuous times.
I unironically have less than 24 hours until I'm a 31 year old boomer, so welcome user to boomerhood.
Mostly this though.
Seems to me that this market could reasonably 10x as a whole over the next few years. Investing in good projects until then should allow us to have some breathing room.
Not many 30 year old boomer failures left on this board? I wonder how many browse r9k as well and have kms'd themselves as a result.
I just wish all the 30 year old boomers before us could have warned that life is fucking over once you hit the boomer wall.
>no more energy
>harder to learn new skills
>worse working memory
>failing eyesight
>lowering testosterone
>lower creativity
I don't have enough in crypto to make it (~20k), but it doesn't seem worth it even if I do. I'll be too tired and slow on a full night's rest to do the things that I used to be able to do after pulling an all nighter. What's the fucking point boomers? The rapidly improving technology and information density is leaving us and our diminished capabilities in the dust. Seriously, what are we to do boomers?
Jesus Christ turning 30 must be terrifying. I’m 23 and already planning my suicide so I don’t have to live past 28.
Was at the best shape of my life at 24, now 28 and arguably the worst shape. Still muscular but I can no longer just eat whatever I want without getting a fat stomach
Hit the nail on the head with a lot of these
>no more energy
I agree, but I think this might just be depression for me
>harder to learn new skills
Absolutely. Takes me a long time to learn anything.
>worse working memory
Not sure I agree with this one.
>failing eyesight
Definitely. I wonder if my eyes are fucked from staring at screens all day every day for like two decades now.
>lowering testosterone
Probably...tried to have sex this morning and couldn't even get hard or give a shit that I couldn't get hard
>lower creativity
I was never creative...so fuck it
Gee, I wonder. Renting and wagecucking. Really /made it/, right? My NW may sound high to someone in their early 20s or whatever but trust me, it isn't, especially when your occupation forces you to live in a high cost of living area.
Sounds like you just let yourself go to be honest
It's worse than you can imagine. You have some time left to set yourself up though. Bust your ass, find a free market job with lots of upward mobility and overtime hours and work like an absolute madman. Eat cheap, live cheap, lift hard and invest everything else. You have more energy and potential now than you will have ever again. Don't fuck this up user, don't let us failed boomers down now that you know.
Assuming you aren't larping, no, your net worth doesn't sound high in the grand scheme of things. You certainly can't retire. I simply said that your net worth *isn't low* for your age. That's easily in the 1% of savings for that age range.
Why would I LARP as a failed boomer? It's pretty fucking low for where I live and what I do for work. I made some unwise decisions. I'm lucky to have a wife who doesn't care, but I often feel that I've let her down.
Sooo you live in NYC/LA/SF and work in high finance? That's pretty much the only conceivable way someone at 32 "should have" more than $500k.
In the future your ability will depend on a steady hand. Confidence comes from being nearly broken.
I guess I just hope my stinkies get me back to zero in the next year or two. Would need it to hit $28 for that however.
>33 year old boomer
>60k shitcoin portfolio
>make 60k a year
>18k denbts for backtaxes
>live in parents basement
>6 ft 4 but small cawk
>le high iq but constantly depressed
Kill me pls