How do we improve the relationship between France and Québec without damaging the relationship between France and...

How do we improve the relationship between France and Québec without damaging the relationship between France and Canada?

Attached: Pins-France-Quebec.jpg (400x320, 65K)

you don't, FUCK anglophone c*nada

by importing all the Quebecois and giving them a piece of your own land. please?

By that logic, you should all go back to Great Britain or Ireland?

What relationship ? Canada has no friends

hey, OP asked how they can improve the relationship between Quebec and France without damaging Canada France relations. my solution works great for everybody. we want to keep Canada whole and France can improve their relationship with Quebec being incorporating them into their population.

what the fuck does moving to Britain have to do with this?

yea, makes sense

Quebec and France do not have a relationship because Quebec is not a sovereign nation.

How do we improve the relationship between the French people and the Québécois, then?

Arrêtez d'envoyer des maghrebins ici.

On en envoie ?

there's nothing wrong with assimilated maghrebis

Attached: 199px-Xavier_Dolan_Cannes_2014_2.jpg (199x281, 14K)


Oui, et on les renvoies

Go back in time and tell De Gaylle not to tell the Quebecois they're their own nation.

basé et rougepilulé

De Gaulle*

De Gaylle

Imagine being so mad you disrespect the name of our coolest president

This is why Canada has no friends

>coolest president
You know what your "coolest president" did? Took all the credit for the US, Canada and the UK liberating all of France.


This is why nobody on the planet likes frogs.

wrong, an important number of Jow Forumsellectuals like us

who happen to be either Quebecois or French.

Absolutely incorrect


Who cares about the leaf ? La Fleur de Lys se tient fierement devant les angl*s

Attached: 1533168634048.png (987x715, 299K)

See. I diplomatically solved this quarrel.

Stop pronouncing everything as if your squeezing a mouse while you have the biggest cold in your life.

At least you could talk with each other then.