
Innocent ships edition

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vcel here

you're greedy and lazy

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Me in the floral shirt

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Fact of the matter is: I just ate my own cum

my pet rock personally thinks speed is better than coke, but this is due more to financial issues rather than the drug

speed while can be moreish, cokes moreish values of it are vile and give my pet rock 5 grams of coke, my pet rock will do 5 grams of coke that night. my pet rock however can resist redosing on speed bc while the energetic state of speed might start to leave, there is a talkative and fun value still remaining. Coke on the other hand according to my pet rock, after 20 minutes will want to do another key no matter what.

Admittedly the coke high is more fun and a bit more hedonistic, it's too expensive to maintain that high according to my pet rock.

giving a 16 y/o speed tho, that's fucking ratty lmao, but fair enough suggestion it will make them play better..

messaged my ex lads, been months in the making. christ im so fucking pathetic please someone just kill me.

she broke up with me and i reckon she has no intention(or even had) of ever getting back together

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is that tucker carlson?

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thought id do a quick browse before bed and he's here

I can't believe it, he's posting about drugs at 2am on a Saturday, is there a duller person?

The trick is to not give a fuck and have abundance mentality

If you are speaking to 15 other birds and her then it's not a big deal and you wouldn't fuck it up because you don't care

Nothing wrong with messaging an ex providing you're in a better position than you were when she last 'knew' you

My coke habit is reaching cokelad levels of addiction

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i work 60 hours a week and never leave the house except to toil, ive always been a good liar so if given the chance i could bullshit my way to a second chance maybe.

she knows me very well and knows to stay away though, so instead im just sat here a born again pathetic virgin freak.

Right. Time to get crack open a few and get pissed.


good post

this is what I keep telling my friends

don't ever oneitus

runt post

fucking kill yourself laddie

Nah dont do that then lad
Find a way to make time to go out mate

You can't fake it don't believe the bullshit, just meet other birds first

Amazing post


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I’ll carve my initials into your face you scrote

thank fuck this summer is finally dying off

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Pic for reference

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coke lad coke lad
can't you see?
you're addiction is hurting your family
you need to cut back
you need to face facts
you cant reach your goals if your always on smack

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guys at toil joked to this girl that she should go out with me and she was making vomit faces

Think its a shit test mate

Modern women are cool... this is very empowering... such raw transparency.... nice...

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I'm hoping deep down inside that once I actually lose my virginity I stop being such a mong around females. I'm always disappointed by myself when I'm dealing with an attractive girl and I get awkward.

It's nature's way of marking out virgins.

one giant red flag

you'd be up in hr if it was the other way round

outstanding post
genuinely dont know how to go out and do things

growing up i would date girls from school or earlier jobs and eventually turn them into homebody losers like myself. now ive got no outlet to meet women and i would likely be a mess if i tried to be sociable around people.



Not gonna lie i hate fem*Les

imagine thinking typing this online is by any means acceptable.

the curriculum at your caravan site isn't very good, is it?

Did your 4th wife show her hair again mehmet?

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fucking based lad christ alive

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Need to get sober lads

I’ve been sniffed for the past two weeks every single day and it’s a bit of a blur. My mental and physical health is really starting to degrade.

stop posting him

when did xir post this one

Are you prangin out

>surprisingly pale
that's a good thing you self hating white bitch sad to see how zogged australia has gotten that shes that brainwashed by the kikes no surprise since here was 100 per sent white and christian until the kikes made the church diversify and the lgbt raped kids as they usually do making catholicism look bad and with faith in good weakened they spammed us with niggers and brazillians much like australia with chinks


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Why are Nazis such gullible retards?

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Big time

I want to have sex with her.

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say that word one more time

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Crack of dawn
Cindy's moving on
Talking Cindy to everyone
Till she's had her fun

She and me
We twist the sun and sea
Still, she's talking to everyone
Cindy's had her fun

Though I've heard it before
Still, I need it more and more
But I just can't get away
Cindy kills me every day

And I tried and I tried but she looked right through me
Knife to my head when she talks so sweetly
Knife in my head when I think of Cindy
Knife in my head is the taste of Cindy

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i've been drinking non-stop for 13 years and doing many other drugs besides. i am in the state now where the act of carrying a cup of tea up some stairs is a major challenge. i've got bad tremors, i've got balance issues, vertigo, my blood pressure is 160/80, i have sharp chest pains, i don't sleep, i have reflux, i heave bile every morning, i'm perpetually dehydrated.

reckon if hitler was alive today he'd just post his uncircumcised cock on Jow Forums to make people never call him jewish controlled opposition ever again

The best way to attract females is to focus on your own thing and not be obsessed or hypnotised by them. Girls don't want guys who are like hungry dogs. They want a man who's focused on achieving goals and ambitions with or without them. A guy who's going places and doing things and chicks are an after thought.

They love Men who are purpose driven and passionate about something that fulfills them.

tomorrow will be a good day


why are the Irish that post here be so fucking weird

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Fucking hell lad call it quits would ya

this is epic


wtf having a badly made shirt with that picture makes me a nazi now
also that should be illegal, atleast the doxing part. too bad they won't get any punishment for it. wonder why

Bro everyone goes through that phase
You have to push through it it's not easy
Get a new hobby like climbing or something if you're already in shape and if not then gym

But this is all just words, you actually have to make effort and it's not easy to do that so it's about hopefully finding a good friend group who can support you on a bad day and like make you go to the gym or something if you are slacking

Basically you have to force yourself through the rough at first and it aint easy if you have bad habits that you need to break

>if you don't like far left violence you're a nazi and deserve to be harassed by a mob
ah yes, the tolerant left

Post ASMR please it;s bedtime x

say that word one more time amerimutt




stupid paki cunt would split your face in half if i saw you babble this talmudic nonsense at me, nothing wrong with anyone other than the monkey lovers that inhabit here

Feel sick


>far left

Not far enough

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dad owes me a hundred quid

when you walk
through a storm

they'll be taking down that statue down soon

everytime i slightly move my wrist forward great pain engulfs me, this is truly a terrible night.

Ive been talking to myself for 30 mins

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I’ll break his kneecaps with a hammer for 20 lad

>tfw I pulled a british girlfriend before 3/4 of /brit/ ever has


time to jack off

you owe him your soul you ungrateful little monkey you were literally inside his balls.
say that word one more time bitch i dare you

ive gotten so much good advice over the years on /brit/ and Jow Forums but here i am still a fucking loser, i lack the drive to change honestly feel bad for all the people who put effort into their posts trying to help me.

honestly lad, shes not messaged me back and i plan to get completely fucking pissed(alone) then pass out and repeat this process until things magically get better or they get worse to the point i shoot myself.

I am currently dating an American girl


why do you feel that

ASMR is virgin tier

If you watch ASMR you're a confirmed virgin


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Ahahhaha well for you ya ugly little fuckin smelly Arab manlet sandnigger tramp go crawl into a hole and die there you thick skulled desert dwelling crypto semite fuckjnf virgin freak with your brittle little wrists and hideous nigger features

i dare you to say that word one more time faggot


Dumb as fuck
I urge you read more then. A book can change your life lid, no joke
Can change your whole perspective. No one can help you but you

That's just the way it goes

good lad. where she from?

arrived at the conclusion i can not cum hands free to asmr

there is always a better day


what did you say irishboi ?

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update on my situation: just checked her twitter and noticed shes posted a new picture and she looks very happy

displeased by this news lad, recommend me some books then as i dont mind reading x