Do asian girls enjoy sex with asian guys?

do asian girls enjoy sex with asian guys?

i watched a lot of korean porn videos and they have very tiny dicks, i have a pencildick but holy fuck, they are 3.5 inches at best

>muh asian girls have tight vaginas
fake news

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>muh asian girls have tight vaginas
>fake news

fake news

have you ever had sex with a non jap girl


have you ever had sex with a jap girl

i have had sex with 1 asian girl and she was not tight at all (disappointing)

I know for a fact there is a heck of a lot of porn online for asians boys with WMAF-superiority + cuckold fantasies.

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have i had ever sex?

so did you go into ecstasy by rating them? retard

op = incel

>have i had ever sex?

triggered asian


stop watching porn incel

What retards don't realize is that yellow fever from wh*Te males is waaaay worse than wh*Te fever from asian females. Its extremely cringy really how some beta wh*Te cuck thinks he can get every asian women

I'm literally too big for my gf. But I'm considered above average here (7 inches).

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>Its extremely cringy really how some beta wh*Te cuck thinks he can get every asian women

Yep, and most of the Asian chicks the white dorks manage to get are not that good-looking. Most of the good-looking Asian women I know stick to Asian men.

It's the opposite with Asian men dating white women. Most white women that Asian men date are very good-looking. Of course, WFAM couples are rarer than WMAF, but quality is more important than quantity.

Iberian subhumans are not white.

girls only have nerves around the opening of the pussy, sure a bigger dick "feels" better inside you but if they orgasm its going to be the same whether or not you have a big dick

>korean porn videos

Korea have no porn industry.

Asian chad is hung my dude and all women of all ethnic backgrounds wanna fuck chad. Basic beta fags don’t have a chance, even Tyrone isn’t always hung

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