The next x4

thanks to biz I got into antshares back in the days. I'm here to return the favor with the next easy gains flying under the radar currently.

as always, don't be dumb fucks and dyor of course.

>listed on IDEX yesterday
>still no marketcap on coinmarketcap
>at ICO price
>founder in Forbes 30 under 30 Asia
>one of three winners in PayPal incubation program Singapore
>first startup to gradute from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) program
>built on top of the PolicyPal existing product (2016 onwards)
>investors include 500 Startups and Fenbushi Capital
>Same advisor as Icon
>partnerships with Quantum (wallet insurance) and DIGIX
>it doesnt even have a proper sub-plebbit yet

team is young but they have good history. also quite active – they'll be on tour around a few countries this month:

again, dyor, i'm just giving you a hint. Expect this to hit a x4 over the next month and an easy x6 until mid-summer. it's currently in a dip since being listed on IDEX.

Attached: Pal.jpg (400x400, 9K)

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thanx user

>Funds are safe

But yeah, PolicyPal has potential to grow, depends when King Shitcoin goes back to 9k

you're welcome user

true true
they seem to be quite active. ill be honest that i'd like to see a bit more technical additions to their current team, but that will come with time. a MAS + PayPal graduate project is not your average shitcoin

thanks user ill give it a go just dropped an ether if i can get a x2 quickly ill be content

You here to return nothing, just to dump your bags.

no worries user
as i said, always good to dyor before that but this is my current lowcap favorite. it's 1500+ on CMC currently

do you have any objective counter to what i said or are you just sperging on your keyboard?

everything i wrote can be checked with a simple google search. paypal doesn't incubate bullshit, and we're speaking about the monetary authority of singapore here

do whatever you wish, i've just given a hint.

id fuck the ceo

im not into asians desu but she's cute for one. seems like a non-roastie with some brains tho and that's what matters.

We just need to waifu the fuck out of this CEO, and people will buy. Easy 10x.

Nice just bought 100k

Attached: plebbit.jpg (575x651, 65K)

they totally stole that logo from Phore

i wouldnt call it stolen but it's boring as fuck

they did have a contest going on tho:

with one of the prizes being

'Dinner with PolicyPal Network’s CEO and Founder Val Yap'

cheesy but whatever

You wouldn't wanna miss out on this Waifu powered moon mission, would you?

Attached: pal waifu.jpg (690x390, 50K)

Along with daostack (GEN) I'd say this is one of the better IDEX offerings right now. Both at ICO price (or near enough). Can't go too far wrong, they literally can't fail to rise in price soon.

heh yeah totally a coincidence. looks like Phore's updated one is different anyway

Attached: Phore-Logo.jpg (500x677, 24K)

Announced a partnership with AXA insurance today?! holy shit

No everyone does that

I shilled HYDRO at $0.0001, I'm still up 70% and you would have been too

one too many zeroes but still

their startup is partnered with AXA and they're working on connecting them with the blockchain extension a.k.a. the token

thanks for understanding, user. everything for the project can be checked, just sharing what i liked about it

haven't seen GEN, will take a look at it too

The fucking token has no fucking worth....all that being said i'm all fucking in