Why do Americans disown/kick their kids out of their house (and makes them homeless) so often...

Why do Americans disown/kick their kids out of their house (and makes them homeless) so often? What makes this nation so evil and disgusting? Jews?

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I'm 25 and I still live with my parents

It’s an honor thing, you wouldn’t understand

it's the boomer neo-liberal "fuck you, got mine" mentality caused by 50+ years of cold war anti-socialist propaganda that ANY kind of wealth-sharing/redistribution is LITERALLY stalinism

just because they got a career after dropping out of high school which allowed them to buy a house, car and raise a family on a single income, they think our generation can to.

So they all think that kicking out their offspring at 18 and making them slaves to rentberg, creditberg and toilberg(instead of allowing them to save up a nest egg, get a career and get on the property ladder to build a solid financial future) will teach them "financial responsibility"

The worst part is is that it's kind of spreading here too

Increasing numbers are actually still living with their parents though. A lot of major cities are expensive even to rent an apartment in.

I'd agree with you if today was 20 years ago, it's a dying trend.

you should kick your child out and confiscate all his belongings that you financed the day he turns 18. and also tell your family and friends to not help him or give him a job.
down with nepotisim

>Why do Americans disown/kick their kids out of their house (and makes them homeless) so often?
I'd say this is rare, millennial live with kids a lot.

1) The kid and the parents don't get along. The kid (now a full grown man) is just an asshole to his parents, and like any other asshole roommate, want him out. They want their freedom and happiness without their bratty adult son.
2) The parents can't afford to keep another full grown man around eating all their food and not contributing. Their kid (now a full grown man) won't get a job or even do enough chores to make him worthwhile. It pinches their own finances or even makes it so they can't live if they are poor parents to begin with. When a kid is 18? Sorry but no more welfare bux for him. He's an adult.
3) They are worried their child (now a full grown man) is stagnating, that he is incapable of independence. Then they give him "kick in the butt" to get him started on the road to independence. The parents are afraid that after they die their child will be dependent and sometimes some kids do need "kick in the butt".

How many kids are planning to support their parents as elderly? Can't have it both ways. Any child who demands his parents support him into adulthood should be also planning on supplementing his parents retirement.

any boomer with sense should have a gold-plated pension awaiting them to pay for care

And any "millennial with sense" should have a full ride scholarship and job offers lined up.

Dumbass, you're just as "fuck you got mine" as you accuse the boomers of being, if not more so. Family help needs to go both ways or don't even bother trying to appeal to it, dumb hypocrite. Really you just want people to give you shit without giving shit in return.

>full ride scholarship and job offers lined up.

what so they can go get a $100,000 job and pay $4000 in rent for a studio apartment(to a boomer) while simultaneously saving up for a $2.5 million crackden shack(which the same boomer bought for $50,000)?

We're poorer than they are, your youth are already paying their pensions and social security, is that not enough?

Go sip your monster somewhere else boomer

>what so they can go get a $100,000 job and pay $4000 in rent for a studio apartment(to a boomer) while simultaneously saving up for a $2.5 million crackden shack(which the same boomer bought for $50,000)?
No so they can go and pay a reasonable amount for a apartment, me and my husband pay $1k for a 2 bedroom and we live in Chicago, 3rd largest city in the USA. I'm 30 too not a boomer.

>We're poorer than they are,
You'll be richer than your parents are if they subsidize your life without you giving anything to them in return. Help goes both ways. I think parents should be open to helping their kids if their kids need help, but if you aren't willing to help them then you are just selfish and fuck you got mine. Why should they help you if you won't help them if they need help?

>your youth are already paying their pensions and social security, is that not enough?
My parents won't benefit from social security that much, certainly don't get pensions. Those are early boomers at best. Most people outside public jobs don't get pensions, boomer or otherwise. Sounds like you have some rich parents and a heaping amount of daddy issues and entitlement that goes with it.

This fkn Bong though

>Wait no I shouldn't have to give help to them in return when they get old and unable to work that's not fair I don't want to share with them, I give money to my boomer landlord doesn't that count?

god that cold war propaganda still works wonders

> you might not help me in the distant future so I am going to fuck you over now
How fucking stupid are you?

>How fucking stupid are you?
Uh, what? I was replying to a guy who literally said he had no intentions of helping his family in the future. There is no "might" about it. The same dipshit asshole who was raving about how boomers need to "share" also mentions how he has no intentions of sharing with them if they need help. I've seen that attitude before on the grown men who shriek the loudest how others need to share with them, also refuse to share with others.

My family helped me growing up and I stayed with my parents til mid 20s. As such I fully intend to care for them if they ever need it. As long as I'm alive, my parents will have me and don't need to worry about retirement. That's how sharing works--it goes both ways.

Hell even for people who never got the chance to directly help me, I share with them. My husband's grandmother I buy her food for her and after her surgery I cared for her and helped her to bathe and did her chores for her and ran her errands. My aunt (now dead who was in very fragile health), I got her all her food and drove her everywhere she needed since she couldn't drive herself and helped her bathe and do her laundry. And they didn't even take care of me, its just passing on the kindness and love others have shown to me.

is just an asshole, who wants to take from his parents but does not want to give anything back. He talks about "wealth sharing" but he expects it all to come from his parents back to him as if he's still an infant (fucking lol). Will he care for parents in their retirement? Of course not, he says himself he won't. So then if his parents are smart they'll kick him out asap so they can save up for their own retirement since they certainly can't rely on him anymore. "Wealth sharing" goes both ways and he's just a parasite. And parasites aren't shit regardless of what economic system you have set up.

jesus christ really hit a nerve didnt I

Also never said I wouldn't care for my parents, might wanna put those reading glasses on sweetie xx

My parents kicked me out the day after i graduated highschool.
It helps you grow up

>Also never said I wouldn't care for my parents,
You said "We're poorer than they are, your youth are already paying their pensions and social security, is that not enough?". So no.

>jesus christ really hit a nerve didnt I
Entitled "fuck you got mine" parasites and hypocrites often do. Gross.

>You said "We're poorer than they are, your youth are already paying their pensions and social security, is that not enough?". So no.

that doesn't include picking up some shopping and making them a cup of tea every now and then

I'm not waiting hand and foot on my parents though, you work your entire life to save for retirement and care, you shouldn't push the burden on to your child at mid-career age

As long as you pay your share of the bills for living in a household, you've settled your debts

Again, the classic yank all-or-nothing mentality, they've done a number on you

>I'm not waiting hand and foot on my parents though, you work your entire life to save for retirement and care, you shouldn't push the burden on to your child at mid-career age
Hahahahahaha if they shell out $$$$ for you that means you shell out $$$$ for them. Not "picking up" shopping either--you buy them food so they can eat. You give them a room so they aren't homeless. Once you get to mid-career age you are capable of supporting them just like they supported you at "mid career age"

Saving up for retirement only works when you don't have a grown ass parasite in the home so by your logic they need to kick you out.

>As long as you pay your share of the bills for living in a household, you've settled your debts
Not how "wealth sharing" works. Share what you have with your loved ones, even if all you have is a little.

>Not "picking up" shopping either--you buy them food so they can eat. You give them a room so they aren't homeless

Yeah i'm sure your """"""husband"""""" is gonna LOVE having his crippled, dementia-ridden, piss soaked mother in law around 24/7 ordering him about, heck why not get both sets of grandparents in to your $4000/month studio apartment!

Only wh*tes do this.

Blacks are the only ethnic group that also do it, but not as much.

Is this a uniquely American situation?

I'd absolutely take care of my husband's mother are you kidding me? Why wouldn't I? Didn't I say I already bought groceries and bathed his grandmother on many occasions? Not "picked them up", but bought them.

You have no problem mooching off others but suddenly when it comes to people who need you (aka those who are crippled or disabled) suddenly its "fuck you got mine". In that case you are just a parasite.

oh it's a woman that's what's wrong with it