
doggo edition

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hello my irish friends! Are you going to mass today?

The big day is finally here

pls don't suicide

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Silly Irishman, suicide is a sin

Already been. I was praying for Galway to win today.

what happens if i make a counter-prayer against galway? does it cancel out your prayer?

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If your mother is irish but your dad isnt does that make you Irish?


What’s up with Tuam

that makes you a baked potato.

They threw a load of babies in a septic tank

Apparently 90 years ago unwanted babies were allegedly killed by Catholic hypocrites, so now killing unwanted babies is legal and here's why that's a good thing.

they basically buried a load of dead children under a septic tank because they believed that bastards shouldn't be put on holy ground or something

grandad diagnosed with alzheimer’s and i’m all the way over here lads

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>so now killing unwanted babies is legal and here's why that's a good thing.
Some day that sentence will be finished by the pro-choice crowd in a way that makes logical sense. I'm sure of it!

Might be better desu, my grannys sister got Alzheimers and after awhile my granny just couldn't handle going to visit her. Couldn't remember what she had for dinner and she'd just breakdown, was awful for her

What the actual fuck

Is the pope going to be addressing any of that or the widespread abuse at all

He might say a few words, but it's not like he's going to announce a crusade against pedos.

There'll probably be some mealy-mouthed hand-wringing about it, but the church hasn't really found its feet in the modern world, and the homosexual cabals are still there.
Some say they'll die off because they were Cold War/NWO psy-ops plants and/or the dregs of the generation of the 1960s, allowed to stay in because of degenerate psychologists saying what they were doing was natural and at worst an illness, but no other institutions are going to self-cleanse, so the only way the church can reform is if it loses the social power the anti-Christian global order deigns to give it and contracts to expel the power-hungry degenerates and plants, if they don't just lose interest in subverting an institution with not even cultural soft-power.

>calling hurleys "hurls"

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>calling iománaí "hurleys"

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I know it's wrong but I'm too used to it at this stage.

You mean cumání?

hurley is the fat spic in lost

Anybody have family going to see the Pope? Or even going to see the Pope yourself?

Neighbours are playing shitty loud pop music

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This, "hurley" sounds like a silly thing to say

Was assaulted by a fat woman last night lads

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>not aggressively protesting

Any kin of mine would nailbomb king taig.

>the Catholic church is an Irish nationalist conspiracy
Big, if true.

Try it faggot.

Be doing you lads a favour unless you enjoy windy farts

It would be very educational I'd admit to see how official society would react to this.

I know what it can be like. The problem is I’ll only get a very limited time with him from now on. It’s still very early, but still

It's the correct term though. You wouldn't want to be mistaken for a west brit now, would you?

Why do people do this?

Because they're told it's a socially acceptable thing to do.
Round the clock protests and small ones are quite literally paid for by billionaires.

Fuck, how could I forget? Brits are always saying the word "hurl" and are talking about hurling in general

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Have protestors nothing better to be doing with their time? They must be very entitled to think that they deserve to be listened to just because they were able to muster a few shouty people and some placards.

Democracy rewards entitlement and preexisting possession of power and wealth.

What else do you do with your righteous indignation

BASED neo-Connolly

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>tfw you have an apolipoprotein variant associated with alzheimers
Scary shit

>protesting against Christianity is good
>protesting against Judaism or Islam is bad
When will people realise that all religions are inherently bad?

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Catholics are worse than Jews

What's wrong with paganism?

We know pr*ds are philos*mitic wretches, yes.

When animefags realise all anime is inherently bad.

It's illogical superstition.

It's no more illogical than any other religion

We /hype/ lads?

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~t. knows nothing about logic or metaphysics

Galway or Limerick lads?


All of these hurlers have the same haircut. Reminds me of how the GAA serious lads in school were always afraid to rock the boat and always kept their heads down

For me, it's Limerick. Galway think they can be the new dominant force so I'd like to see them put down

This desu

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Why is man marking so prevalent in hurling? Seems every attacking player is man marked, isn't this inefficient?

*laughs in protestant*

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>wanting to have a high rank in a fascist sport

>China, India above Armenia
FIFA rankings are such a meme

If they're doing it, no. That doesn't mean that there's not some undiscovered tactic that would blow man-marking out of the water, but the meta is the meta.

It makes sense when you think about it, since the ball can travel much more widely than in games like soccer or even football.

>neighbours are still playing loud pop music

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>w-we don't care!
i-it's a m-meme!
Imagine being completely and utterly OUTCLASSED by 6 counties that told you to fuck off 100 years ago when 4 of those counties also send all their players to play for you

>w-we o-outclass y-you!
>w-we told you to f-fuck off!
Imagine being this OBSESSED

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Only people from countries ranked 27 or higher can reply to me.

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Will Galway ever be consistent?

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Imagine losing to the 85th...

They're still going to win

>It makes sense when you think about it, since the ball can travel much more widely than in games like soccer or even football.
True, I was also thinking it's because the sliotar moves throughout the pitch so quickly so a zonal marking approach wouldn't be practical. Still though, dragging defenders out of position to create space is too easy with man-marking (especially on a big pitch) and it hinders attacking play when teams get the ball back and transition into attack. I'm sure someone will break the mould soon

>Imagine being completely and utterly OUTCLASSED by 6 counties that told you to fuck off 100 years ago when 4 of those counties also send all their players to play for you
I'm sure if the Republic played Northern Ireland now, we would win

I'm not too sure. Limerick are handling them all too well, there are always three Limerickmen surrounding any one Galwegian. Galway are getting suffocated and unless they can reverse fortunes very quickly it could be over. I would say it's down to the injuries but they handled Clare fine in the replay when they were in worse shape.

Implying God listens to Catholic prayer

>I'm sure if the Republic played Northern Ireland now, we would win
This is what 29ers actually believe

Will stabbings rise or fall if Limerick win?


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Reminder dublin has the best
>jobs market
>people (south side)

Don't like Limerick, didn't want them to win

Lads I'm serious, some moral support please.

Christ Church Cathedral should be returned to the Roman Catholic Church. The Theft by the church of ireland should be rectified.

>all religions are inherently bad?

Typical sociademocrat bourgeois equidistance.

Christianism >>>>>>>>>> Jews and islam >>>>> protestantism

Anglicans are basically boy loving fenians anyway

Any South tipp faggots about?

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Well that was a shock. I wasn't expecting Galway to recover much less come one point away from equalizing.

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Burning all my posters of Joe Canning right now

All the Limerick players look like tinkers

Side effect of fenianry

I'll fight you nigger

Why are knacker wedding cakes made of shit?
To keep the flies off the bride.


I'm looking forward to having you with us my fellow Irishman, sure it's only a few more years now.

How south are we talking about here?

So south it can be described as North Waterford.

Your mistake is thinking that anybody here cares about soccer.

But Joe was one of maybe only 2 good Galway players on the pitch today.

>we don't even care about soccer
Would expect this from an American. Irish people clearly do care about it

t. West Brit.

I care more about hockey than I do soccer.

Why is Manannán such a chad lads? He has a whole island for his harem of women.

National team games get high attendances, the team gets plenty of media coverage, lots of people play it and lots of people follow clubs albeit British ones. Hockey is a minor sport here in comparison

>National team games get high attendances
West Brits.

>the team gets plenty of media coverage
Usually in relation to the Premier League or the latest match that our national team lost.

>and lots of people follow clubs albeit British ones
West Brits

>Hockey is a minor sport here in comparison
That doesn't preclude one from caring more about it than soccer.

Are most people on tinder or some other form of dating app?