Continuing to show big blocks were always the solution

>Continuing to show big blocks were always the solution
>Cheap and fast as fuck
>Programmable, now has a twitter clone and decentralized pirate bay running on top
>graphene propagation technology
>Accepted most anywhere
>True privacy features incoming
>No bullshit cultish leaders or corporate cocksucking, made up largely by the people who made Bitcoin great in it's first years
>Truly decentralized development teams. If one team goes crazy, at least two others can pick up immediately
>Has survived censorship, never-ending attacks, DDoS attempts, and constant slander
>Price per Bitcoin just keeps rising

So tell me, why do you continue to be a corecuk? There are no more reasons to. Bitcoin Cash is both the superior technology and the superior medium to long term investment.

Attached: BCC.png (300x300, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No I refuse to believe BCASH is the answer, I was told Roger Ver was a scammer which invalidates all their code.

Absolutely fren. Do not go off the map of acceptable Jow Forumsbitcoin opinions.

Attached: meem2.png (638x600, 304K)

I mean LukeJr literally spreads gospel. Why would anyone oppose his views.

Attached: capitalism.png (610x349, 36K)

I wouldn't slander gospel like that

Attached: meem.png (480x480, 77K)

It's not fast at all actually, it's only marginally quicker than BTC

nice reddit circlejerk losers

See this soiboi? This is you.

Attached: meem1.png (333x450, 207K)

>circlejerk like a redditor
>expect not to get called out on it
shouldn't you be making unfunnny puns somewhere

nah this is the perfect spot.

Wanna tell me why you havn't bought BCH yet?

Attached: nassim.png (700x354, 159K)

Because you are reddit.

Wow, great reason. Do you hate money?

>Even with our fake volume, we don't have enough transactions to justify 8MB blocks, and the shill armies are running out of ammo, what should we do?
>Hmmm...lets quadruple the block size and say bigger blocks are needed.

>having no idea how blocksize works

No all he can do is attack people and name call. He has no way of defending his btb tribe from the invading bch tribe and he thinks the strategy of yelling BCASH will save him.

keep circlejerking you reddit loser, totally makes your discussion look organic and non-forced

Wow, great reason. Do you hate money?

accuse your opponents what you are guilty of, classic Core playbook.

BCH is down 33% since sunday

I like money and that's why I'll never fomo into BCH no matter how much you paid shills try.

nice reddit saying, reddit

go back there

Attached: Satoshi-nailing-whitepaper.jpg (560x538, 94K)

I wouldn't know a reddit saying if I saw one, just saying.

i have to wonder who the people paying for this shilling are expecting to fool. big non-speculative money wants nothing to do with these clone/fork coins

>t. moron thinking eth was just a shitcoin back in 2015

>capitalism is immoral
>is suppose to be developing the most capitalistic technology known to man

The reasons for Core's sabotage of Bitcoin become clearer everyday.

>b-buy my altcoin, it's j-just like eth in 2015
t. pajeet

0-conf is basically instant, newfriend.

Here's a hint. I do it for free. Ron Paul 2012.

kek no thanks

less chance of losing funds than lightning

>not realizing it shows the tech works and the hysteria put out by Core concerning blocksize is literally manufactured FUD

mycelium wallet now has BCH support

>you have a chance to lose funds but it's less than this other buggy thing!
convincing argument

i dont think i'll ever buy this coin now

>he only buys the top


I can always tell because no one here gives a fuck about bcash when you aren’t around

I don't buy bch at all. Your point?

Explain to me why 0-conf is insecure, I'll wait.

Good, I don't want retards on my chain.


Kinda like those endless twitter brigades? Kinda like that?

youll be waiting a while

hasn't been confirmed by the network yet, could easily be double spend. Easy

The spender has 0% chance of losing funds on 0conf. The chance of the merchant losing funds is like 0.0000000001%. Most 0conf payments are going to be in the $1-$20 range. No one is going to sell a house or car without confirmations.
With lightning too much can go wrong for it to be useful of anyone to want to use at scale.

When he set out on his path as an unknown and nameless soldier, he too had to create a utopia with the greatest of hopes. It was realized.

The year of our lord, 2009.

Attached: Craig-Wright.jpg (634x636, 88K)

>im so sure about my investment that I need to samefag on an internet board all day to shill it
>im dumb enough to think this will have an impact on the market

Attached: chineseknockoff.png (1531x3098, 648K)

>could easily be double spend
You realize you need 51% of the hashpower to double spend right? How many faggots buying a candy bar at the store have that?

Also do you realize how amazingly unprofitable it is to double spend for a candy bar? No you probably don't.

Here, now please kys.

Attached: satoshi on 0 confirmations.png (1843x637, 69K)

>You realize you need 51% of the hashpower to double spend right?
That's false, see BIP-133. I love how cashies don't even know their own coin


b-but muh miners are all switching to bch

0conf are 99.9999 insecure on BTC because of full blocks and replace by fee.
0conf are 99.9999% secure on BCH.

>0conf are 99.9999% secure on BCH.
Oh okay, I guess I'll just take some random shill's word for it on Jow Forums.

miners mine what ever is short term profitable, that is in their interest. If you had a massive mining farm you would still mine btc if you believed bch was the future.

The only reason they would be more secure is simply because no one cares about bcash.

Attached: brain.png (645x729, 53K)

damage control

You don't need 51% to double-spend when you do 0-conf.

You're kidding right? There's like hundreds of thousands of corecucks lapping the dried out dickcheese out of Blockstream's arse. Everything Blockstream says is gospel to them.

I have posted a pic of satoshi basically calling 0conf users cuck, yet the fucktards still think Roger Verconomics are perfectly fine.

>replace by fee
still optional, and wouldn't be used for 0-conf

0.01 jihancoins have been deposited in your account. Thank you for correcting the record on the real bitcoin.

This is Jow Forums right? You should remain current on things. The hashrate is trending down for btc and up for bch.

All this is saying nothing is final until on chain. It doesn't invalidate 0-conf, brainlet. Why would Satoshi even allow it if that were the case? Besides there are plenty of posts from him explaining that 0-conf is secure and should be used.

Literally nothing.


Attached: bcash man.jpg (618x434, 25K)

how? The profitability balanced itself out. BCH difficulty is set so the hashrate ratio is equivalent to the price ratio between the two coins.

>Literally nothing.
Kek this faggot doesn't know 0conf is is double-spendable with very little expenditure. I think you will see eventually.

Your reasoning is clouded, my son.

You cannot look at this from a short term perspective, as everything else.

I implore you to search for answers. I don't understand why you use the internet to post blinded comments, but you don't use it to search for truth and reason.

I will never bash on others, even those who shill shitcoins. Please, just search for the truth, no matter how painful it might be to read.

Desperate shill is desperate.

roger ‘our chad’ ver will make sure normies know which one is the real bitcoin staying true to its original vision

stay mad corecucks

There's no use arguing with someone who identifies first and foremost as part of a collective rather than an individual.

>he says as he falls for the CSW cult of personality

More info on the decentralised pirate bay pls, how do I use that?

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Heck half of what Craig says might be a bunch of hot air, and roger is overly emotional. Doesn't have anything to do with the code or economics of BCH.

You could "trust" 0 confirmations for a cup of coffee, but at that point LN is insanely better at that, without cluttering the blockchain with your nigger tier transactions.

it is super early. people are posting uncensorable magnet links on

Truth actually. I realise asking a coretard to think is a waste of time and all, so don't bother with this next part I include for interested lurkers with an actual brain ;
Why would you mine currency x at y *1, when you could mine currency z at y*1.1 and sell it for currency x immediately? You're leaving ten percent on the table. Not economically rational.

you didn't ask me anything retard, there was no question involved. just an angry cashie shouting at the wind.

LN is pure vaporware and the entire point of DLT is to keep all players honest. Moving everything to a 2nd layer banking system defeats the entire point of crypto.

Attached: 1524609385138.png (2758x454, 215K)

>Continuing to show big blocks were always the solution
>No bullshit cultish leaders or corporate cocksucking, made up largely by the people who made Bitcoin great in it's first years

Attached: 1ewdzs.jpg (399x385, 37K)

the fee for opening a lightning node defeats the purpose of lightning.

The whole point of lightning is to lock up large amounts of bitcoin to prevent it from being sold for fiat. That's why it might be smart to hold some btc so sell into a price pump before people realize exactly what is going on and people dump btc like they did with $50 fees.

paid shillers no shilling!

Roger is perfectly right to get emotional. Anyone in Bitcoin pre-2015 knows how much he did for it and crypto in general. He had a first row seat to the faggotry that happened when Greg and Co took over the repository and kicked all the oldfag devs out. Then started a shilling and gaslighting campaign. Then started DDoS'ing dissenting nodes. Then blackmailing and threatening people and outright lying to miners. Now any crypto person that got in after that thinks hes some kind of traitor.

Fuck that. He's done playing nice with these snot-nosed newfags. Just tell them to fuck off and do their own research. He doesn't owe them shit.

Right, I wasn't asking you anything, just directly telling you you're wrong, then pointing out to everyone else that cared to listen why, knowing you would not bother to read or understand it because you are an idiot.
Thank you for demonstrating my point so clearly.

>I wasn't asking you anything, just directly telling you you're wrong,
You mean repeating talking points? Thank you for admitting you're a paid shill.

It's way worse than BitBean/Bean Cash though.

Get fucked with your slow ass coin that gets BTFO by Bean Cash lmao

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>Anyone in Bitcoin pre-2015 knows how much he did for it and crypto in general.
Oh yeah, he did so much for bitcoin top kek

>everyone who disagrees with me is paid

You're never going to make it.

this. he also has sick bjj skillz, all the haters wouldn’t dare talk shit to him irl

Yeah the way I look at it, BCH is Bitcoin that fired the incompetent or corrupt Core devs.

imagine being this cucked

>has nothing to do with solvency and everything to do with fiat on-ramping from banks

There are clearly paid bcash shills, are you denying this?

>LN is pure vaporware
>LN is released and working

Merchants and exchanges definitely need to wait for confirmations any time transactions are of significant value and/or in exchange for cashlike goods. Individuals transferring small amounts need to be more worried about other aspects of trust in the exchange, and can protect themselves quite effectively with just a single confirmation.

Satoshi predicted later on how people would be against big blocksizes.

Attached: satoshi_Bu.png (1038x866, 101K)

lmao you still fall for his lies 5 years later huh?

that was back in April of 2013 like 7 months before they went bankrupt. Really dumb of him to speak on behalf of an exchange he had no financial ties to either way.

>exchange he had no financial ties to either way.
lmao the cashie lying

ok maybe I'm wrong I don't believe he investing in MTGOX. What ties did he have?

You're saying everyone on here that disagrees with you is paid, stupid faggot.

LN doesn't work, devs tell people not to use it because its unstable. If you sell your house and call it good on a 0-conf that's your problem. Satoshi predicted people would be against big blocks and despite how tyrannical they are about it should be ignored.

time to stop pretending

Attached: 0d6eb4cf-5ea8-4ab2-8c40-dbd6958801edlarge.jpg (736x960, 115K)

Did you even listen to the content of the video or do you just assume?

salty corecuck detected. besides lil b, roger ‘the alpha’ ver is the only one I’d let fuk my bitch

he worked with mark in some capacity in 2011, afaik

Yeah, Gavin "just taking a picnic to the CIA bro" Andresen was fired along with his loser friend from google, such a loss. And guess what, it was not Core who fire them.

You summerfags need to do a lot of reading.

Attached: summerfags.jpg (2504x1669, 1.97M)

No, he didn't say that. What he said is people should not fork his software, yet you cucks are supporting an altcoin.

Satoshi failed to predict some things such as mining pools, he wasn't God, contrary to what cashies may think.

you must be a clear retard for real to use your crypto as a payment method wether its bcash or bitcoin core or bitcoin potato, the price is clearly not set for any peer to peer transaction only for exchanges to trade against fiat ok, but you are deluding yourself bitcoin cash is not a scam