How many trtl whales do we have here ? Why are you hodling a 1 sat coin made by a drug addicted control freak?

How many trtl whales do we have here ? Why are you hodling a 1 sat coin made by a drug addicted control freak?

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i havent done much research on this coin. I just know its only on a shit exchange. can it be the next DOGE?

It was made very well, and so far everything is going great. We saw 23 sats after getting listed, managed 10x my turtle stack. I'm still mining. Turtlecoin will move like a turtle, slow, but steady. It's only a matter of time

Slow and blasted. Like the dev.

What would be considered a whale? We have people who have stacks of 1 million to several hundred million.

Slow and steady always wins. It really helps too that we have many people helping in the trtl community's anyway they can. We have people that help with coding issues that arise, some people have start different marketing campaigns both online and in the real world. Heck, we just had one user donate enough trtl for some crypto event that listed us as a sponsor. End of 2018 for trtl will be fun, but 2018-2020, I have a feeling we will have another doge / verge in popularity to norms.

Sorry, I meant by 2019-2020

They have e-commerce integrations that work with woo-commerce, magento, etc., a working product, their code is spotless, and their community is dedicated. The only thing holding then back is marketing, supply, and Jow Forums fud.

You deserve to be poor if you don't hold this coin.

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Whats all this dev fud? is he a druggie aswell as a high school drop out?

Back in my day, we called them entrepreneurs. The guys that dropped out always went on to be the biggest names, good and bad haha

I've been mining since April and only have 400000 trtls. What mining operations do people have to get several million?

Well those early bastards... haha. But now there have been a few people that just bought a ton at 1 sat. In the first 3 months of the year a probably only mined about 300k but then ended up buying 5 mil.

250 million

Haha damn, I guess I have work to do. Better start working the streets

holding 2MM because I mined them, but think even now they're worth more than 1 sat, might be tempted to sell some when it becomes more feature rich snd moons.

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Shut up cocksteady

I wonder how good TRTL will prevail in BTC's fall down to 3k.

Shit! That's a good alias...

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This guy gets it. Pay attention poor user. #Turtle2019 campaign will initiate soon.

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Lifes too chaotic and fun

I want to choke someone to death.

That would be interesting to do. Or at least find someone who is into that so you can choke them until they pass out just to see what emotions one would feel doing that.

How much TRTL for choking on my cawk?

>slow and steady
>winning the race on crypto, where everything moves 300x faster than normal


thx for bumping

np, i like to see turtlecoiners delusional threads

not enough TRTL in the world, man
