Why arent you a self-employed Photographer, user?

> Make your own hours/Work when you feel like it
> Passive income: Using services like Pixieset, people often come back to their galleries, even years later to buy prints.
> Get paid to travel
> People LOVE awkward and eccentric artists, the perfect job for NEETS because you can be yourself and people actually like you more if you're weird
> Easy to get business, just make a nice website.
> Girls love getting their pictures taken and will be impressed if you have a nice camera.

its so easy user, why aren't you doing this on top of crypto trading?

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Other urls found in this thread:



> pictures are the greatest marketing tools: not everyone can read but most people can see, just look at this board for instance

because idk how to fucking photograph user why the fuck would i be a photographer if i cant do it?

cameras are so good these days you dont even need to know what your doing, just take a lot of pictures and learn a little photoshop with some google-fu and u good senpai

This is a complete waste of time, everybody has a phone with a camera. There is no value anymore.

Frankly I'd rather take the advice of the schizophrenic user with arthropodophillia, and breed bees

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Or maybe I AM the weird bee user?

>Not growing gourmet mushrooms
Sorry to tell you, but you aren't going to make it user

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you're retarded. there is incredible value in creating imagery. its not about the camera to be honest, its about what you point the camera at.

I would love to be a professional photographer user but the market has become so diluted now and simple to pickup

>Shitty fungus that grows in literal shit
>Delicious honey made from summer days, sunlight and flowers
Kek, gr8 b8 m9

i took a photo of my asshole in the mirror once, and it blew my fucking mind

At the hobbyist and part-timer level photography is largely a chick’s game. People want to be photographed by a nice girl they feel safe and comfortable around, not some creepy dude.

I would love to OP
But i'm worried of becoming another typical starving photofag

Jow Forums really turns to shit in a downturn, huh? Kys OP with your faggot bullshit meme thread.

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Also, think of those photos you’ve seen on a million lenses being pointed at someone- do you really want to be one of those people scrambling for a shot of someone you couldn’t care less about? Yes, there are incredible gigs if you can land them but they’re few and far between.

i dunno ive been a freelance photographer since i was 18, 32 yo boomer now with a wife and kid and a house. i "go to work" maybe once a week. its pretty great.

Tbh i need a professional picture soon

Ok, that’s impressive. Photog is your primary source of income and you’re not just living off your wife?

I like nature
If i were to go into photography for scenic photos / nature and animals my chances of making it are slim right? I hate the other edgy black and white photos of random stuff tho

You should do this for fun. Making a killing off of it is pretty unlikely. The people that get the jobs have either gone through prestigious programs, hustled, and made good connections or had great connections to start with.

You can only do this if you have rich parents. I know a lady that's been a professional photographer for like 30 years and she's met Presidents, etc and she only makes enough money to afford a shitty apartment in Queens.

my wife manages the books and scheduling.

I'll never be a richfag
Not with the things i like at least...

>One of my sons wants to be a photographer. I said to him, “Why do you want to rob the bank when it’s already been burgled?” There’s no livelihood there. I know great photographers who are still going around with their portfolios. So I said to him, “Look, I don’t know how you would earn a living, but if you’re passionate and this is what you want to do, boy oh boy, you’ve got to have a point of view. Are you going to be a fashion photographer? Are you going to be a journalistic photographer?” It’s great to just sit there and go, “I just want to take pictures, man,” and fuck off to college for two years that I’ll pay for. Wedding photographer? You need a singular purpose. Can I tell you what else I get frustrated about?


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you probably wont ever become a rich fag doing photography, however, 75-150k/year is pretty easy. My base rate is $1000/day, thats just to show up and turn on my camera.

Yeah, hold on while I go outside and snap a picture of the object(s) I need with my shitty phone camera. What's that, valuable client that I'm designing website for? You want a very specific image that isn't within an hour of where I work? Ok, pay me while I go travel to the other coast to get that specific sunset on that specific beach you wanted for your header, brb.

>The average apartment rent in Queens is $2181
Not too bad.

It's nearly impossible to "make it", but it does give you a trickle of income if you're decent at it. If you're out somewhere anyway, why not try to snap say 10 photos of random things? You never know when some guy wants a random image for a website he's designing or whatever. I took some random photos, a relative encouraged me to submit it to a competition (he paid for the submission), and it got admitted to some gallery in Switzerland (europoor here, not from Switzerland though). I'm not an accomplished photographer or anything, it was just a random picture I thought might be good.

Let's say you take 1000 pictures over a year, a few a day. If a few of those are decent, maybe just landscapes, city shots and so on, specific items, they might trickle in some money for years and years.

>One of a few handfuls of actors in the world actually making big bucks while millions try their lives and fail at making it further than local theater or small indie films
I think the ironing is lost on him.

>75-150k/year is pretty easy. My base rate is $1000/day, thats just to show up and turn on my camera.
How many years did it take to get there, though?

Yeah, hold on while I go outside and snap a picture of the object(s) I need with my shitty phone camera. What's that, valuable client that I'm designing website for? You want a very specific image that isn't within an hour of where I work? Ok, pay me while I go travel to the other coast to get that specific sunset on that specific beach you wanted for your header, brb.

>The average apartment rent in Queens is $2181
Not too bad.

It's nearly impossible to "make it", but it does give you a trickle of income if you're decent at it. If you're out somewhere anyway, why not try to snap say 10 photos of random things? You never know when some guy wants a random image for a website he's designing or whatever. I took some random photos, a relative encouraged me to submit it to a competition (he paid for the submission), and it got admitted to some gallery in Switzerland (europoor here, not from Switzerland though). I'm not an accomplished photographer or anything, it was just a random picture I thought might be good.

Let's say you take 1000 pictures over a year, a few a day. If a few of those are decent, maybe just landscapes, city shots and so on, specific items, they might trickle in some money for years and years.

>One of a few handfuls of actors in the world actually making big bucks while millions try their lives and fail at making it further than local theater or small indie films
I think the ironing is lost on him.

>75-150k/year is pretty easy. My base rate is $1000/day, thats just to show up and turn on my camera.
How many years did it take to get there, though?

I technically started "shilling" myself as a photographer when i was 15. I was always a hustler though, got a CD burner (when they were new) when i was 13 and started selling mix tapes of mp3's i downloaded off napster in school, made hemp necklaces and sold them in high school... So you have to have that hustler mentality to make it in any freelance space. That said, I didnt start to be able to live off of photography until my mid 20's, ive never had a full time job though, other than photography and luckily i was able to live at my parents house until i had enough consistent income to move out.

its worth noting though that social media played a huge part in making my career... all my friends and family would like my pics, theyd see me traveling and not doing "real work" this was huge because that perception inevitably led my immediate circle of friends and family would start to refer me as photographer whenever they heard somebody looking for one. Referrals from past clients eventually snowball into ALOT of inquires on a regular basis. The biggest turning point in my career was after shooting a friends wedding, a guest happen to be a graphic designer for the Hotel the wedding was at, he saw the photos and ended up licensing some to use in their print marketing to promote their weddings. From this, I somehow got into a meeting with the Director of Sales and Marketing for the hotel and eventually a sit down with the Brand Marketing Director for the entire franchise (150 hotels globally) and the rest is history.

I don't really care, user I was mocking previous poster for being retarded and double posting

Being a photographer is not that easy, you are going to be working when other people are not (e.g. weekends) and will have to deal with the most retarded people on hearth: fashion industry faggots.

t. someone who shots fashion every once in a while.

ok, this made me think you cared.

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>ITT wedding photographers who think they're artists.

Kys you fucking hacks

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lmao this is exactly how you end up refusing to pay for a photographer at your wedding because "my cousin has an $800 camera, that'll be just as good" and have get Facebook-tier, completely forgettable (but at least it's 24 MP) pictures.

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i've been a freelancer for about 10 years now, too. make around $75k, work 1-3 days a week.

My dad's shit stinks up the bathroom all fucking day

But all wedding pictures are forgettable.

Tell us ur secret user. Pls

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It's literally impossible to make a living as a photographer now.

> Make your own hours/Work when you feel like it

Sure, you can work all you want - and never sell a single shot.

> Passive income: Using services like Pixieset, people often come back to their galleries, even years later to buy prints.

Laughably untrue. Services like that pay pennies on the dollar, once in a while. It's not a significant income stream for anyone involved.

> Get paid to travel

Nope. Not even remotely true. Almost all successful photographers, the few left, are independant contractors and pay for their own travel.
> People LOVE awkward and eccentric artists, the perfect job for NEETS because you can be yourself and people actually like you more if you're weird

Hysterically untrue

> Easy to get business, just make a nice website.

Even more laughably untrue.

> Girls love getting their pictures taken and will be impressed if you have a nice camera.

Ah, the NEET reveals himself. Girls love getting their pictures taken, but they hate paying for it.

One of my best friends is a professional photographer. He's had work on the cover of most magazines, has shot for shit like National Geographic, and he's trying to transition out of photography into video. There's no money anymore. Magazines, record labels, books, whatever, nobody has a budget anymore. There's this new attitude of "it it's on the internet it's free", so people steal his shots off his website, so he just shut his down and doesn't post work online anymore.

If anyone claims to be making money at photography nowadays, it's a good chance they're lying through their teeth.

Because I'm already a freelance writer doing well and I don't want to have to start all over with a new medium.

>pointing a $1k+ machine at something that already exists and clicking a button one time
try again

Kek most people in Queens do not pay that much in rent. And besides, you want to live paycheck to paycheck your whole life? Your liberal arts degree is worthless. Accept this and move on.

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Because we have to give women something.

What do you write?

>be 13 7 years ago
>Got digital camera for Xmas
>Record a fight after school that was epic
>Post it on a Myspace Bulletin
>Gets 2k views in a week
>Holy fuck un heard of number of views it's going viral
>Getting off school bus one day
>10 cop cars at my house turning my house upside down looking for sd card and take computer and camera
>Charged with felony
>Never get camera back

Posting a video of a fight has never been a felony in any state, ever.

Nice try, dummy.

I"m gonna start digital marketing and branch into photography I think

photographer here.

you're full of shit.

equipment is expensive, websites cost money, so does storage. editing software. the proper editing tools.

i have over $16k in camera equipment.

people spin your wheels. people will try to take advantage of you constantly.

post a link to your website.

I've actually semi made it. but i've seen so many people think "I can do this! :D" get a shit camera, take a few shit photos for free then fall off.

there's a lot to it and if you don't have a natural eye. you're going to have to be the ultimate businessman.

aka scott kelby. that shit head takes noob photos but he's doing it big.

but I will admit. no real overhead, making my own schedule. big checks and attractive women hiring me to take photos of them nude... isn't bad.

How do you find interesting subjects to photograph?

go to the things that you find interested. if you're fascinated by something it will show in your photos.

the more you care about a subject the more it'll show.
i used to model professionally, i told my agents i wanted to "test" our new faces so they could get images and i could too.

i did very well and now am an agency approved photographer.

(if you have a lot of photos of pretty women, other pretty women will want to work with you) you also have to know what you're doing.

my theory: you should start photography out of passion and then have it turn into a career. you won't make it if you're just chasing dollar signs.

go price some professional camera equipment. bhphotovideo.com/

I told a guy fighting to "stomp on his fucking face" and he did..it got dropped but they tried to fuck me hard

your name is Leo Baptist

haha this made me chuckle.

Because I'd rather earn decent money.