
Yank Rorke edition

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based and epic style

love labour me

ow many muslims in the country? i dont care, mo saleh bangs in the goals la

>that 24 year old wine aunt who always "polishes off" a bottle of "red"

after 8 years what have the tories even accomplished?

fuck all

rorke's going to flip his lid

I want EVERYONE in this thread to promise me to vote UKIP next election. Let's make it happen people! Britain for the British!

any other virgin freak men in?
when did you realise you'd be a virgin freak for life?
15 for me

haha yeah...

*looks at the unemployment rate*

Where's 190

nobody cares who you are, 190

>make new /brit/
>some wog makes thread a couple seconds before I do

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benign neglect at best ay

190 kg master race


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could put all three hundred pounds of catyank in a coma

Dreams is still the one 95% of people use

Never had a problem personally. Support for monero has been down about 2 months now though


starting to think franco had it right

190 children molested master race

this post will be a classic dave post

190st master race

Lads up the park I saw a poor injured pigeon. It has two massive bleeding gashes, one on it's wing and the other on it's neck. You can see inside it and through it. Buggers being completely buggered by flies.

I felt sick and and just left it quickly, but I'm feeling sad now. Do I call someone? Do I go back and put it out of it's misery?

i'm extremely fit
i can run a 5 minute mile
i could do 10 rounds with you in a ring without breaking a sweat

you're all spastic trogolodytes magine using windows haha

still can't believe MK dons beat Man Utd that day

you are a wog

I vote NDP because they're an alright party and the Liberals and the Conservatives both want to destroy Canada.

ah yes
10 inch dick maths phd 300k starting etc etc

love macbooks me

all three of these are lies

anyone here learning welsh?

give it a rest dave

looking around Dunedin on street view
looks mega-comfy
would love to live there

isnt that the party that made all shadown cabinet members toronto bluehair cunts?

Once had a similar scenario with a squirrel. Took my shoe off and crushed its head with the heal and I was like "Bazinga!"

kenankek incoming

Really miss 190

if I were British I'd learn Welsh without any hesitation
neat language

*enters stage to make his TED talk amd makes a self-deprecative joke*

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wouldn't be surprised if fatties started campaigning to subtract the weight of their organs, bones and skin from their total weight
imagine their shock when they find out that's what bf% is

high seirra is the best OS in the history of the world!!


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any zoomer porn out yet?

uhm gramps sweaty no that would be mojave

they're accomplished their goal of impoverishing the british proletariat and enriching the capitalists they represent

alan is the type of mong to do a TEDtalk

Is this one of you lot?

This guy is single handedly destroying British credibility on this site

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I'm not saying white people are better than black people but black people sure do committ a lot more crimes. You can't deny that.

>humanist chaplain

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oh yeah i really care what some wog from jordan thinks about the credibility of british posters
jog on you mug

what is wrong with the northern irish?

"I have infiltrated a group of angry incels from the internet. Here is what I learned"


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ah yes, british credibility

He's more qualified in being human than other humans.

despise Jow Forumsposters and their frikin epic reaction pictures
most anti-humour posters on the site


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finna buy 4 ps4 games lads haha

British intelligence they're on your back

got so fucking drunk last night
woke up on my friend's kitchen floor

o my daysss


what games

okay google, search Gucci Gang and play on Alexa

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would send catyank's fat retarded ass into the pavement
he'd wail as I called his mother to pick him up

was out at 7 o'clock this morning mowing my lawn because I got up at 5
neighbours came outside pissed off then went back inside
feels good being a boomer

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Subhuman heretic mongrels whose only purpose is to exact Aryan Blood from the Irish.

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i think its incredibly fucking cold

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need to cry



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Woke and Bazingapilled

why did you name your country after me?

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i assumed everywhere in the antipodes is mediterranean no? a land of perpetual sun

why is northern ireland so perfect?

big fan of the zoomer meme
not sure what his political leanings are though

post pics of yourself lads
pic related

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ahhhh nyan cat

now THAT was a meme



FUCKING hate these things

It's definitely coming home

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>haha rorkes BTFO

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Back with the guitar lads, forgotten what the requests I was meant to do were, but if anyone's got any more for me then I'll give them a go


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The Big Bang Theory, now that was a good show. Bazinga!

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darude sandstorm

lol autism

fuck off retard

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are there girls on Tinder who simply want to shag without going out or any of that nonsense?

Got no lyrics and is not a really a guitar song at all desu, so probably can't do that one