Spanish girls

Spanish girls...

Attached: 1531930331081.png (750x1334, 1.98M)

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Fuck black guys

She is not spanish, She is a cuban whore.

I honestly do not understand how a person like this can come to exist, she looks unreal

Attached: 3bd840fef693a62e37687729d8ce83b8.jpg (684x821, 89K)

She's literally a mulatto

Yet when she dyes and straightens her hair you can't tell. What does this tell us about Spanish women?

Attached: 1323521735_0.jpg (267x400, 39K)

A spaniard born in Japan or Mongolia is still a spaniard.

Photoshop and a ton of makeup.

That's for a movie set, are you really this bad at baiting.

Based. Borders are a spook, identity and culture is what matters.

>Los criollos son Españoles
>aunque ellos fueron los que apoyaron y provocaron las guerras de independencia

Mátate, un traidor es un traidor, ellos eligieron dejar de ser españoles, que se jodan ahora. Putos criollos de mierda.

Spain, Cuba, what's the difference? Both are socialist shitholes

Un traidor sigue siendo español por muy traidor que sea. Además no es criolla técnicamente, su familia emigró a Cuba el siglo pasado.


The cubans decided to create those differences, not us.

>Un traidor sigue siendo español por muy traidor que sea.

Que se jodan, que ahora lo toman por conveniencia para aprovecharse de nosotros. Ellos decidieron su puto destino, que lidien con él.

BLACK blood it seems

Attached: spanish football qt.webm (1280x720, 1.26M)

That's a south american

what about these

I see gipsies, sudacas and moroccans, and some spaniards in between

check your flag arab

Attached: wog9o.jpg (533x800, 55K)

Attached: Simonetta_Stefanelli.png (353x386, 168K)

Thats right, we is Hispanian boy.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-28-18-28-32.png (720x1280, 579K)

Hispanian folk Hispanian race Hispanian political entity Hispania unity Hispania work Hispania labor Hispania!

Are you Hispanian boy?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-31-07-57-53.png (720x1280, 621K)

Spanish girls...

Attached: 76290ddfb86140e5ac1c0c22d52e726f.jpg (770x839, 78K)

>esas son venezolanas

No Blanca Suarez ITT.

It was a shame she got implants, was way better before

Rebecca Linares?

how do i get a spaniard gf?

She is CUBAN


Holy shit, she was born in Cuba but her grandparents are from Spain. She is an ethnic Spaniard.


Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-28-03-35-07.png (720x1280, 810K)

jajaja dejate de joder, madrid y buenos aires son mas o menos lo mismo

Every Hispanian must put up a picture of the BVLL.

Attached: es!bull.gif (324x216, 3K)

Es lo que tiene que Madrid esté llena de panchitos.

Mexican girls....

Attached: 1254785.webm (1280x720, 1.66M)

Even the whitest Cubans have some type of African and/or Native admixture unless they're descendants of recent European immigrants

si no fuera por la union europea, ustedes estarian igual que nosotros.

780k mainland spain emigrated from main lamd spain to cuba in 1900-1930

Even more during civil war.

Franco Spain was richer than current spain sudaca.

España tuvo que ceder industria por las condiciones de la UE. Éramos 8ª potencia industrial a la muerte de franco. No sabes ni por donde te sopla el viento, panchi.

are for spanish bois

Attached: Spanish qt.jpg (640x640, 137K)

ah ok, son franquistas.
>>Jow Forums

Pop cuba 1900 was 1.6million 1930 3.6 million

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-19-15-24-16.png (720x1280, 265K)

Sudaca morreno morte de hambre

Attached: tremendo.jpg (304x166, 10K)

Sudaca panchito indio


Attached: 1527171634938.gif (500x500, 2.51M)

whatever james Gonzalez

>muh Jow Forums
Si no sabes que decir mejor cállate.

>el socialismo putos blancos imperialistas
>viva chavez y socialismo viva castro

Attached: 1411699067872.png (585x533, 44K)

esta bien, debe ser triste solo poder decir lo que pensas en un foro de imagines de anime anonimo.
no te molesto mas.

callate sojero

she look average and boring

>she looks average

Attached: chad.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

eso no es madrid
y madrid solo se parece en los edificios antiguos

Attached: apartamentos-uso-turistico.jpg (1000x667, 278K)

I need a hairy spanish maiden


t. follachinas


>los chilenos parecen monos en evolucion
ql ctm

rebecca linares used to be the hottest pornstar
her early stuff is killer

most dont look like that, most spanish women look straight up latina

>madrid y buenos aires son mas o menos lo mismo

Who the fuck is that guy and why does he keep getting spammed on here?

For those who wanna know how the average looks like

Attached: Españolas medias 01.jpg (1010x674, 153K)

yuck, they look like a bunch of latinas

lmao, you lost manolo
Damn spaniards look black.

Fuck they're ugly

I don't think so, I don't see anything of Amerindian on them.

if they slapped a bit more makeup on and got a horrendous drinking culture they could pass for some slags

it's their complexion, the color of their hair, eyes and skin. Wish Spaniards were white baka

Africa begins at the pyrenees...

>independizarse porque somos horribles "opresores"
>larpear como español cuando te conviene porque muh heritage

Además, que cojones, Uruguay es Italia 2.0, con vosotros no tenemos negocio.

Meh, not so different from the average costa rican girl I guess

Average Spanish girl that visits the US is better-looking than that.

dem Spanish girls tho

Attached: Hinds.jpg (800x450, 52K)

Shitty indie bands don't represent the average Spanish girl.

who cares about the indie, just use your eyes
>far right
>second from the right
>third from the right
hot mommy vibes
average Jewess tier (and Jews are hot)

They are white. Are you one of those Jow Forums users that think anyone who is not Germanic is not white? Or maybe a chicano?

Post average Costa Ricans so everybody can see you're right


those spaniards are mixed, mixed with moors I guess idk. Mixed people are usually not considered to be white

The two on the left are qt pies. I'm not really a fan of the one on the far right.

The blonde one doesn't even look like she's from Spain.

vivi alto

they all look inbred (ugly as shit)

There's a minority of Spanish who are somewhat mixed, but the thing is they aren't 'full' Spaniards because the moor/jew/whatever blood.

mestizaje maligno ajajajajasfsfsfsf

this is a north-iber mutt

rate pls

Dunno, but I somehow have a fetish on those Spaniard butterfaces.

Not just girls, but it was the first thing I got. Obviously we are more brown than spanish

Attached: ing-100-tec-.jpg (850x627, 162K)

some qts there

You wouldn't believe the kind of girls you can see here

Are Costa Ricans the whitest Central Americans?, yesterday Guatemala appeared on TV and they were all brown Amerindian mutts in comparison
