ChainLink Killer

The Accord Project is enabling lawyers and businesses to write smart contracts directly to Hyperledger. No need for decentralized oracles.

They are months away from completing their MS Word Add-on (pic related) that directly converts a contract written in (any) spoken language into code. They're working with multiple countries (right now) and states/cities to be sure that they're able to meet their regulations on contract writing and execution.

Hyperledger is actively taking the project on in an incubator status (you can read in Hyperledger mailing lists).

I'm dumping my bags and going all in on Icon.

It was fun memeing with you guys.

Attached: 1526069879326_image.png (1682x1054, 881K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is going to be the first time I've ever filtered a tripfag

Shit, we are fucked. Still not selling.

are you clueless, or just retarded? accord project has been linked to integrating Chainlink. but idc, sell if you want.

Attached: rdh294nohxw01.jpg (543x1135, 65K)

you deserve to be poor if you think this is a competitor for chainlink.

No it hasn’t. Don’t be so fucking deluded again..

this nigger thinks an MS word add on will make Chainlink purposeless.



I've seen nothing of it.
I've asked in their slack channel, and they said that getting off-chain data on-chain was 'out of their scope'.
He then informed me that they're working with the IoT Alliance to standardize data feeds and provide oracle services.

Attached: CAE3F27D-E5C7-48DE-9C1E-9C525F37A4B1.jpg (4032x3024, 2.85M)

its right above you, you fucking idiot.

Attached: DCB9DFE3-8347-4DB8-9E3D-44C83D9FA1D4.jpg (1536x2048, 495K)

It’s obviously fake.

Attached: 3430C6DE-EE86-4EC2-B4B9-FACF9BCF913B.jpg (1535x2050, 432K)

Your fud is mud

>enabling lawyers
Go fuck yourself Lawyer. Day of the rope is coming soon for you sorry fucks.

Good idea, me too.

Forgot to sage your mother(shit)post. Kys Jew.

Nice trip, but you misspelled ‘Faggot’

uh wtf is this and can i read more?

I'm in slack channel. I've asked same question.
This is fake for sure.
You and your stinky linkies are fucked.

There is beauty in the simplicity of this “shift in action” user.
All in.

the blockchain stuff is cool, im more interested in the other stuff. this reads like a controlling class white paper

Link has bounced off the floor and now 4chin is fudding. Gofigure

Thanks for this. Seriously. I’ve been wanting to get rid of my bags for a long time but this MS Word Add-on really pushed me over the edge. As delusional as linkies are (trust me I have been one for far too long), some of us have not lost our reading comprehension skills and can still recognize when a project has failed. Seriously Fingerman, thank you. I will forever remember this day. Thanks again friend.

I'm in sergey's private slack too. he says chainlink $1k eoy. smd.

>They are months away from completing their MS Word Add-on (pic related) that directly converts a contract written in (any) spoken language into code. They're working with multiple countries (right now) and states/cities to be sure that they're able to meet their regulations on contract writing and execution.
That's the dumbest fucking shit I've heard so far.

Blockchain is a technology, not fucking magic.

This is nothing. It doesn't matter anymore.
I understand that you guys have some cognitive dissonance with this token. I did too.

The ship is sinking, the team was too slow. Big corporate money is in DLT now and CL is dead on the rocket pad with no fuel.

This kills the FUD

You're welcome, friend.
Just be glad you're getting out before I mentioned the Excel add-on they're developing.
Fucked. We are absolutely fucked.

damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning

Cheers, man.
Glad to know I was able to help someone out there with this.

For everyone else, please, for me, if you get an email with an attachment asking you to enable macros....enable them. You'll see how quickly this Word Add-on will be adopted. It's going to grow like wildfire.

Stop changing your IP address you pathetic FUDing faggot

mfw reverse image search and google shift in action.

who are you?

Goes from wifi to mobile dats.
t. Hackerman

I'm behind 7 proxys, faggot.
I can't risk you neets finding out who I am.

Because we would see you're a neet.

Just because they were mentioned in this doesn’t mean there couldn’t be a real competitor. They’re just being used as an example. That’s not to say that it isn’t impressive but don’t think it means that success is a sure thing.

real if possible

The Fourth Industrial Revolution written by the head of the World Economic Forum. is the only blockchain project referenced in that section by name.

Fast forward to 2030: LINK has overtaken the USD and BTC as the main world reserve currency.

ok adam

fucking lmao at anyone stupid enough to fall for this

Are you Houman?

Or are we dancers?

Doesn't elimitate the need for oracles. All this does is provide a tool for contract to smart contract conversion. It serves no purpose outside of this. Not sure if OP is a shill or just knows nothing about LINK and oracles.

if anything it just means LINK will be adopted faster as lawyers can digitize existing contracts with an addon.

strap in lads. next week is the widowmaker.

For everyone who can't see in the OP.

The OP is either
1) Houman Shadab of the Accord Project
2) Pretending to be Houman Shadab

Check the picture in the top right compared to Houman Shadab's twitter

Severely Underrated

>ITT linkies that can't realize their investment will be $0 EOY

Attached: 1525856065498.png (478x523, 14K)

>can't read whitepapers
>only reads cereal boxes and shampoo bottles

Everyday I see Chainlink killer and I never see a working product, partnerships, or githubs. Only tweets
You know who doesn't tweet
And I love that
Fuck social media
While you niggers are tweeting my man Sergey is studying the art of the blockchain and revolutionizing it

Thanks bro, I bought 2500 of your stack dirt cheap. Appreciate the help, and at these prices. LOL

Would someone with a dev background please take a look at this github and see if it looks like it is meant to interface with link or if it could stand by itself?

It's supposed to be a stand alone project.
ChainLink is no longer necessary because they're open source and Accord can just use their connector for permissions chains.

For those that are asking if I'm a neet of if I am houman, let me answer that question with another question.

Did you really think blmultibillion dollar companies were really going to pay racists and literal Nazis? They're already funding MSM to get you guys punched in the throat. Why would they give YOU money and make YOU rich.

Think about it 1/100th as hard as I did and you'll know im telling the truth. ((Don't think too hard otherwise you'll know what I know and you wouldn't be a neet yourself))

dude you reek of being some foreign pajeet. seriously get the fuck off of our board. you cant even fucking spell.

how does it feel being cancer?

Fucking Christ y'all are dumb.

Was a fake larp.

I'm going back to Twitter where the real smart people are.

>Did you really think blmultibillion dollar companies were really going to pay racists and literal Nazis?
holy shit you're absolutely fucking retarded.

if you dig into the lowest level of their code it looks like a json encoder.
from what i gather, the project aims to be a smart contract management system, like the SEC was talking about a couple of months ago. I don't see any component which looks like it will interface with ETH or hyperledger, so logically they would be looking for an oracle solution. They could build one but their code doesn't support that initiative at the moment IMO

he kinda has a point. We fund everything then they just switch to some other shit

cant stop my boner

how did I know someone even dumber than OP would step up to defend this fucking idiocy?

>their MS Word Add-on (pic related) that directly converts a contract written in (any) spoken language into code
Huh. I expected a working AGI to be bigger news.
>This is going to be the first time I've ever filtered a tripfag
You seriously haven't filtered bearwolf yet? Masochistic.

God I hope so. Love to see (((them))) squirm once their high paying profession gets as automated as the people in middle America they threw under the bus in the name of muh multiculturalism

Are ideas not allowed to pop into my head? Am I not allowed to shit post on a discussion board about the said idea?

wew years of work blown away by a word addon

im sellin right now

Time is vital.

They're working with ChainLink.
How the fuck else would they maintain a trustless DLT's integrity when moving data to/from a pernissioned DLT?
We're all gonna make it.
I have a lot of LINK. I'm not selling any of it.

I'm blown away by the sheer number of fucktards that couldn't see past my obvious shitposting to see the reality--this shit (ChainLink) is legit and we're gonna make it to a comfy life.

Is this on any exchanges?

They toyed with the idea of an ICO, but went with traditional funding solutions. They have the backing of a law firm that handles 35% of cases in the US and also the largest firm in the UK.
In all seriousness (shitposting aside) this is huge.

There was a discord group ran by wtfchuck who photoshopped these slack accord project pictures. I was in the group until they kicked me.

How can I get my hands on this?

bruh you were the one posting them as soon these were posted in the discord. How can you still go on being such a butthurt little faggot?

Binance, don't listen to this fucking retard

Not this faggot again.

Both of you fucking KYS at least bearwolf is funny, you're just fucking schizophrenic.


Attached: kunQVjy.jpg.png (870x870, 94K)

Top fucking kek, newfag spotted

Kys faggot. This is irrelevant nonsense being passed off as terrible FUD.

Attached: 94267CB5-5745-4F0A-AE1A-648E403AEE38.png (600x200, 8K)

Mmmmm Houman is so memable.
He will be a fine addition to the Chainlink ecosystem.

Attached: fatsergeylink.png (804x922, 191K)

Rory just started following Houman in twitter.

Also @ChainlinkFan and Houman follow eqchother.
