Ground control to Major Pepe...
Take your stinky linky pills and put your helmet on....
Ground control to Major Pepe.....

I'm sending my Pepe plush to the stratosphere and thought.. hmm it's going to be cold, so I bought him a space suit for his journey. I hope you like it.

Launch will be in July

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What's a space suit without a space helmet?

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a lot better from his previous set up... don't you think?

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I don’t want him to die on this mission

Fear not, for he has a parachute & a gps tracker and his new space suit to protect him.

Hes a real astronaut now looks sharp.

The helmet obscures his beautiful smile... any other options?

We cant all make it to the moon, bound to be some casualties.

is the plan to leave him in orbit or does he fall and you find him?

Holy shit
So cute

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Nice. Kek'd.

The balloon will pop around 30,000 meters & will fall back to Earth, there will be a parachute attached to the payload as well as a GPS tracker that will pinpoint me to the location of Pepe (hopefully) and the video footage I will take

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I'm going to take the plastic off the front, it's already coming off from when I unwrapped it

This is amazing

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Like this?


Please livestream it.

You can't live stream past 30,000 ft (celluar tower range) without getting into some complicated radio stuff. It will be video recorded though, under the assumption I receover the payload

I meant livestream it from the ground!

Video is great too though!

Hope you have friend help recovery :

It's why I'm paying a yearly subscription for the GPS I bought :^)

This is why I come here.

i declare a pepe war

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for money maybe
no free reaction images :^)

Contact Elon and send this guy to orbit

God speed

Ok op is fag

This space mission will fail, like Chainlink

he cute

holy shit user! will he carry a link cube up there?

Make one with the link cube.

Goddammit I'd literally pay $500 for a pepe doll ;(

I fucking hate plushfags. It's not fair. I want one. REEEEEE

Where do you guys buy one? I'm transferring to uni in fall, and want to take one with me.

can't buy anymore. hashtag collectibles said they won't be making anymore since Furie is being a faggot

this was the final place to buy it but biz bought them all. I refresh daily with no luck =[

I can't believe he has his own spacesuit. This is going to be an incredible 30KM high adventure.

fuck im a retard here is the link

keep me posted

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space pepe is better than ur fagboi pepe

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Any updates?

oh gosh i can remember when you ordered your pepe with your tshirt and you posted this old helmet.

a real power up for pepe with this new helmet! go on, pepe deserves it!