>Oh hey user
>You really believe that Bitcoin will see $10k again?
>Sorry user, not this year. Or the next.
>I still have 137891BTC to sell, member?
>Here take this wagecuck job application

Attached: nbk.jpg (206x206, 45K)

b-but you sell otc now

The exchanges don't have infinite money.

herro. dump it.

Not really. This faggot is making money off of this dump. Someone traced the movement of BTC and around 8k of BTC and 8k of bch got to exchanges and the assumption is that it's being sold.
Anyway. There's actually no reason for him to be selling the BTC either OTC or on the exchanges.
The creditors had been paid.
So the only reason he is selling is that he is making money on it.
The next court date is in Septemeber. They were supposed to discuss if the BTC is going to shareholders or is it going to go to creditors as a special compensation.
So the reason he is moving BTC at all can only be that he is making money off of it.
I hope that the people that the creditors will sue the shit out of him for that.

what does Magic: The Gathering Online eXchange have to with Bitcoin?

Why do people assume he's selling when he could be investing in alts right?

I never took Japs for scammers. I can picture chinks, pajeets, other shitskins and even whites but Japs? Come on, they were supposed to be based

Everyone is corruptible. It just depends on the amount. You do realize on what kind of money that guy is sitting right now?

He’s selling btc for more bch