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Give me your all time personal favorites Jow Forums
Book thread!
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Shit...my wife bought me this same book the other week. I'm still reading it at the moment.
>edgelord title
heard good things though
Economics: The User's Guide
Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective
Rich dad poor dad
4 hour work week is one of my favorites. Tim ferris is crazy but also a genius. He offers a strong argument for an alternative to frugal living and early retirement, based on the fact that you actually enjoy your work and just want 3 month miniretirements here and there. Also inspired me for several business ideas. Plus it was enjoyable.
Also, how to make friends and influence people is great for the typical biz autist. Actionable tips on how to be more personable, in order to reach more productive outcomes. 66% finished this rn and plan to read it all again.
if truly didn't give a fuck would you not buy the book
How to make friends and influence people changed my life entirely. more than just sales man tactics, Like how to negotiate to resolves issues.
Also Stocisim books like meditations
Childhood's End
> i am le cuck
> i haven't read le capital
the abs( state_of_biz )
That book is awesome! Good choice, user!
Some others...
"Influence" by Robert Cialdini--helps you understand why people do what they do and how to influence them.
"Contagious: Why Things Catch On" by Jonah Berger. This is, hands down, the best introduction out there to modern day marketing via social media.
"The Millionaire Fastlane" Stupid title and some cheesy writing, but I give the author credit: he punches holes in the mainstream narratives about how to get rich--both the get rich quick scammers and the "slow lane" that tells you to work for 40 years as a pauper and hope to die with a fat 401k. Basically, start a scaleable business with potential to grow huge (he outlines some basics) and hustle your ass off to grow it fast and cash in, then either sell out high or hang on and keep growing it even bigger.
"The Four Hour Workweek" OK, you might want to just read a summary article since there is a TON of fluff and scammy bullshit here, but the main idea is solid: value your time above all else, because it's the one thing you can't make or buy more of, so streamline, organize, automate, and delegate as much as possible to save and make the most of it.
"How to Win Friends and Influence People." The book's a classic for a reason and the teachings still hold up, but it's pretty bloated. Read a summary and re-read it every so often.
Avoid bullshit like "The Secret" (aka The Law of Attraction, which is a scam artist's tool you can read about online for free) and the classic "Think and Grow Rich," which was a piece of shit written by possibly the first professional self-help/business scammer in existence.
The millionaire fastlane and Unscripted by MJ Demarco, really good fucking books.
Despite the cheesy names, the guy's actually a practitioner and started his own successful business and THEN wrote books rather than being a bullshitter getting rich while trying to sell you how to get rich.
>Gulag Archipelago
Mandatory reading for any Jow Forumsnesman.
but he teaches you how to not buy the book
>Unscripted by MJ Demarco
I've read Fastlane, can I get a quick rundown of this? A lot of the same bullshit?
Why are so many book threads now started to pop up after I posted this shit?
You printed Bitcoin's whitepaper? Lol.
Of course, its what it started all
You're all morons
Reflections on the Revolution in France- Edmund Burke
Reflections on Violence - George Sorel
Heroes and Hero Worship - Thomas Carlyle
The Republic - Plato
Brothers Karamazov - Dostoyevsky
A Confession - Tolstoy
Mere Christianity - CS Lewis
Propaganda - Edward Bernays
Suicide of a Superpower - Patrick Buchanan
Is this book any good?
Who gives a fuck?
Wall Street Playboys Triangle Investing and Efficiency
Wow you're still reading it and already don't give a fuck
90% on here are common sense and will only waste your time.
Get a new skill instead
>Robert KYSaki
Literal scammer. Was never successful til he started writing. It's like taking fitness advice from a fatty. You already know passive income is everything so don't wasted your tIme.
social intelligent is good
Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking (Hadnagy)
Algorithms (Sedqwick and Wayne)
The Prince (Macchiavelli)
Brothers Karamazov (Dostoyevsky)
Is "Think and Grow Rich" good?
I'm reading it now. I love it and I get it, but all I see online are angry people saying the author is a scammer and it's all crap.
What does Jow Forums think?
>cash flow quadrant
I already know what that is and it could be entirely explained in a single paragraph. No idea why there would be a whole book about that.
In no particular order
Homo Deus
Tim Ferris books are great.
Don't make me think
Think Fast and Slow.
Emotional intelligence 2.0
Phil Knight's "Shoe Dog"
How to lie with statistics
It works. Just give it Time. It took me 2 ears and a couple big failures but I’m a millionaire now and retired.
Just keep going at it and don’t give up.
good book and one of the best of all time.
how is it a scam when it's about brainwashing yourself to do things that can help you succeed?
I personally think it changed my life by allowing me to belive in fait irrespective of religion, and that is pretty powerful. Faith is one of the most powerful emotions known to man and the church has a monopoly on it to normies because they just can't have everyone exercising their faith all willy nilly. it's a thing they suppress, so it must be powerful.
This and Julius Evola as inspiration to be strong in mind and spirit.
The wisdom of psychopaths (audiobook)
RDPD isn’t a shit book but it can be summed up in an early chapter (might even be the first) with the story about literally making money. But that was all I took from it desu.
Also it’s a quick and easy read you don’t even need to buy. PDF: csce001.com
I always read even if they’re shit because you might find that one line that can be of value to you.
Did you read it bro? It was pretty enlightening.
Thanks. Here's my background at the moment, honestly: I'm in a kind of strange place because I'm 22, have about 200k in my bank account and crypto together, would have about 350k if Bitcoin went back up to $20,000, and I'm married and live in a house that my wife owns and we have no debt of any kind, and she has perhaps 100k or so in a bond for her retirement that I know nothing about.
1. My wife insists on taking most of my salary, almost all of it, and I save the rest like a miser and this is discouraging. Me putting my foot down means she leaves and this feels like a captive situation for me but at the same time I don't WANT her to get a job of her own because I'm the man and I want to be seen like that and perhaps have children.
2. I am working a dead end teaching job abroad that I hate but waiting for crypto to go back up. My wife and I realistically spend like $1000 a month at the most, but my current salary is only about $3000 a month. But that means $360k would last us at least 10-13 years if we invested it very conservatively and waited for it to go up.
I read "Think and Grow Rich" and I remember the times when I was single and had goals that were extremely ambitious and yet I reached them after months or years of trying. I believe wholeheartedly in what he is saying. Yet a part of me thinks "just gotta wait for crypto to go back up and THEN my real life can start and I can buy myself enough time to figure out what I really want to do with my life. Just $20k or so BTC and that's it." So basically I feel stuck and don't have many other real goals with my life. And yet I know that for most of my life I was the person who could succeed in anything I put my mind to (traveling around the world, ivy league education, etc.).
How do I get things back? The book says I need to know what I want, that I need that desire and an idea, basically.
What would you do?
Sorry you had to lose your ears friend
Move your money into Monero, claim you lost it all gambling or drugs. Get divorced. Sell it for cash and spend it carefully.
Really interesting perspective. I can agree with that.
People think it peddles "get rich quick!" ideology and "your thoughts actually have magical powers" in a weird supernatural cult sort of way. These same people will insist that "Richest Man in Babylon" with its "save 10% of your income" is the only way to go and anything faster than that is a scam I think. That's my takeaway from it. I want to believe that while books like Richest Man in Babylon are great and important, these people are wrong and the mindset pushed by "Think and Grow Rich" is better for those who want to be exceptional and successful beyond other people.
>no wife: dreams and ambitions realized
>wife: dreams and ambitions remain dreams
My wife has no access to the majority of those funds, only my monthly salary. Salary comes in, my wife takes a huge chunk of it, and the rest gets quietly sent off to bank accounts only I have access to and from there into crypto and FDIC-insured fiat-crypto exchanges.
Yeah, but if it's clean, the cunt gets half your shit when you dump her on her dreamkilling ass.
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
What dreams? What ambitions? I wanted to live in a foreign country and not have to work again if I didn't have to. I'm now living in that country and wouldn't have to work for a while if Bitcoin went up again, but my thought is that realistically if I can invest 350k or so conservatively at 22, and maybe 10-20k of it back into crypto, while saving almost all my salary that goes to me, I should be able to cross the $1 million threshold in a few years. I hope.
It just feels like nothing in my life can "begin" at all until Bitcoin goes back up, I take my $350k or so and put it somewhere very very secure, and then just keep working but without worrying so much about finance. This "waiting feeling" is kind of painful at this point.
I want "Think and Grow Rich" to apply for me but I can't even escape this "just wait a little longer for crypto to go up more and THEN start" trap.
So in the event of a divorce I know what to do. Ok. but right now I'm not getting divorced and the problem is more with myself. Also she owns the house I'm living in so it wouldn't work out great for me.
dont worry when she divorces you she will come for all
Again. Swap to Monero, gambling problem, gone. It's really not the point of my post.
Some of my favorites.