Placed 1.25 BTC in EOS

>placed 1.25 BTC in EOS
>reached 4.3 BTC at one point
>now fucking cashing out at 2.95 BTC

Damn fuck this stupid market. Just one day ago every altcoin was up. I know i still made profits but its stupid as fuck how long it will take me to gain that 1+ BTC in fiat using my spare income.

Attached: download.jpg (194x259, 9K)

I hope you are joking or larping. Mainnet pump is this month.

Attached: 4F2B533C-0138-409F-A297-3E10C74FC22E.jpg (740x493, 57K)



> Mainnet pump is this month.
What you should be looking at is the amount of EOS margin longs. There are too fucking many even now. Half of them got liquidated yesterday and many more will. Ffs it just dropped an additional 2% a few hours ago.

It also doesnt help that EOS has fully recovered from its ATH while others are half their ATHs.

Think about it, others who are in a satoshi profit are more likely to take profits and put their money in coins that are half their ATH or less. Even ETH is 1/3rd of its ATH

Probably best to spend your time researching instead of posting here

I put 4 eth into EVE before it pumped. It peaked at 15, but I failed to sell into the fomo. Now I'm back down to 8. Hardly even worth selling.

Mainnets are always priced in, and invariably trigger a dump when ass-heads don't see the pump they were expecting.

Holy shit it dropped even further since i made this post>

I only doubled my money what a ballache

You have no idea what you are talking about. I have a spreadsheet of all pumps before news and the average days before the news for the peak, etc.

share the wealth bro. to sink into the dyor rabbit hole

Good thinking. Care to post that for us?

Shes got a big forehead.

Listen to how greedy you are. You deserve to lose it all, and like your pic filename suggests, you are going to have to download your dates.

Just hold you dumb fuck.

Crypto just aint for you senpai. Seems ur cashing out on emotions.

Thanks user. We need lots of ppl to fall for this bear trap rn the whales are obviously creating. Otherwise eho is gonna buy the pump? You and the rest will fomo back in after concensus buying high selling low.

If everyone thought it would pump who was gonna buy? Whales do this intentionally.

What exactly is the problem?

Barbara Palvin, good taste in women OP

>>In this thread
>>Kids who are crying about actually making a profit

It's no joke. I just sold my worthless EVE for 80% profit. If I had been more decisive yesterday it would have been 180%. You don't understand this pain.

>Boohoo I'm only up 136% Imma kill myself

If you're not getting 200% daily you're not going to make it this late in the game.

Oh I understand the pain. Bought TRX at 19 satoshi. Saw that shit moon to 1500. didn't sell. Still hodling today. Still up, it's all good

pain? lol your emotions will help you to lose everything. have fun and don't forget to get riled up