Hurry up!

Why are these dirty faggots dragging their feet and not announcing which ERC20 tokens are being listed?

Attached: coinbase-vs-gdax.png (1024x512, 58K)

OMG, obviously

It's a Trifecta, omg/bat/0x

any rumors on when this is supposed to happen? too busy riding the HYDRO moon mission right now to fill my OMG bags

It’s probably something shit

0x would be nice and with the current price it would moon based on all the normies seeing a sub $2 token on there compared to the next cheapest Litecoin at $137+

It's going to be ZRX.

>/11/18(Fri)21:16:21 No.9385744▶0x would be nice and with the current price it would moon based on all the normies seeing a sub $2 token on there compared to the next cheapest Litecoin at $137+>>

Hope so. I've been stacking ZRX and it's now 60%+ of my portfolio.

if anything, it's BAT. all other answers are desperate shilling

They are adding BAT first, just wait and see.

You bat shills always give me a good laugh. ZRX to coinbase.

checked, all in on zrx

No one even knows what that shitcoin is. BAT is the only coin with a working product. Let me see ZRX working product.

Because the regulated token they're announcing had their platform delayed so they're waiting for the launch.

Qash the regulated erc20 token launches the liquid platform shortly and then Coinbase will add it.

We're you born retarded or were you dropped, there are 3 ex coinbase higher ups that are 0x advisor's, and the project has been called out by the CEO of cb as doing more for eth than anything else

Why does a norman need 0x tokens though? What are they going to do with them?

why do they need bitcoin when they wont use them lol

Use it to trade tokens? But anyway, as a zrx hodler I'm hoping for one thing
>cb makes erc20 part a dex
>dex using zrx protocol

>b-but muh internet browser coin bat is so awesome

Chainlink will be added on Monday.
cap this fuckers.

They are probably waiting for Consensus.