Press S to spit on this faggot. The mainnet is priced in and it’s going back to 300 sats

Press S to spit on this faggot. The mainnet is priced in and it’s going back to 300 sats.

Attached: F4AA06A0-890E-4B4E-8B0E-D9623098866C.png (400x300, 131K)

Just market sold all my TRX at loss to go all in EOS.

Literally just bought 2btc eos st 13.30

>the trx mainnet wont pump
>but the eos mainnet will

It’s a fucking testnet until the late June when EOS will undoubtably get more attention.

Tron Hodlers are increasing. You screwed yourself. You had just to wait for the 31 May. Tron 20$ EOY.

It’s going to pump hard when market recovers, you’re an idiot if you’re not flipping this shitcoin for quick profit

>Selling the dip.

That's one to lock in those losses

how hard is hard


actually 10x at least

Tron is easily one of the most worthless pieces of shit on the market. Until it dies, I will flip it occasionally - I can't even begin to get on the level of retardation required to be someone who will actually hold this joke until EOY.

>I can't even begin to get on the level of retardation required to be someone who will actually hold this joke until EOY
Maybe because you have brain damage.

Nice that's how you make money

Obvious samefag phonefag

Wrong. If I had brain damage I would unironically hodl trx - which is kind of what I was implying with my first post, but you're clearly too stupid to understand this. It's okay - you're a trx bagholder. I never expected much.


Attached: 6hoax95[1].png (185x141, 65K)

You’re such a brainlet you can’t even muster up what’s little left of your intelligence and tell what’s wrong with Tron fundamentals. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

This little faggot has already rinsed every pump opportunity possible - there's literally nothing left. Everything is priced in, this is the top.

Not really. Double top at 1050 sats when we get closer to the mainnet.

you wouldn't buy a used car from someone with that haircut, so why would you buy crypto?

Congrats on selling a new ATL

do you even know the definition of "ATL"?