Makes me want to buy more who else has a cool rocketship movie
Make me want to sell
dropped 50% over the past week.
bags are heavy
Shoo shoo poo IDs this project is not for pajeets
not it did not you fucking retard. it dropped 30%~
please, please do sell
This is free money amazing time to buy right now wish I had more fiat
i sold at 88c 1 week ago. it bottomed out at 59
Holy shit they went full vechain with their marketing. Whats next mike kayamori swinging a plastic hammer around? Oh well at least this might pump my bags sonewhat now
its a fan vid derp
My body is ready
I'm so hard right now
5k qash reporting in !
This looks so fucking amateur? And whays with this top 5 coin mission shit? Literally does make me want to sell
This was actually cringy and amateurish ...
But I have big hope about qash so
i sure hope it is because it looks like absolute garbage
its on the offical quoine youtube account tho. maybe if you faggots could give some context to the shit you post on here, not everybody is on the net 24/7 and up to date with all the shit thats going on around my various bags
also QASH $500 by EOY check these dubs faggots
f-f-fifty dorrah by EOY?
what the fuck was that? they should hire bizonacci instead
WTF/? They are proclaiming top 5 coin themselves? also whats up with rocket launch ? mooooon? lol
Agree, very cheap looking video. If you're going to go full vechain don't get your friend's nephew to do it.
Hook Pemmelaar up with some top youtube talent and let him shill your bags.
I dont think its officially by QUOINE, pretty sure its a fan made video
Yea fanmade.. on their OFFICIAL channel. How retarded are you guys ? There is no way you can stop this money rocket. We rich soon senpaitachi
You should be worried that it's NOT fan made. The video just makes QASH look bad.
WB will be the tittys and the liquid exchange will be the beez kneez I signed up for qryptos and am a fan of the UI and trading options + QASH pairings for everything on WB + own mainnet aimed at fintech from a legit company. I will be filthy fucking rich.
I like QASH, but this was cringe. I don't want some shitty action movie with price predictions and moon memes. Makes them seem like a joke instead of a serious business.
Yeah totally agree. They are the most serious business-like project out there, so this doesnt really align with their usual narrative
Qash is Trash.
face it, it sucks.
tell me, what crypto does not suck user?